"You know," Roger said as he picked himself up from where Celly had unceremoniously tossed them, "I'd have expected you to put up a bit more of a fight. Throw in a few more expletives, make her promise you something. Money. Immunity. A vacation in Maui."

"Shut up, smartass," Susanne mumbled as she brushed herself off. "You're not exactly helping right now."

"Helping with what? What's there to help with? You'll be pissed off if I take you back for a few more days of rest, though that is what I actually reccommend. And I don't even know where we are."

Susanne looked around. "We're in Konan, of course," she said.

"Of course."

"Hey, everytime we find ourselves in some barren wasteland or wilderness of some sort, it's Konan, right?" She sighed. "Not that it's the best place to be, of course, but I'm sure it could be worse."

"Don't jinx it."

"No, saying that it could be worse doesn't necessarily jinx it. It's when one says that one has a bad feeling about this that it all goes to hell in a handbasket."

"Let's not take any unnecessary chances."

Susanne sighed. "Okay, if we can walk to Konan from London and vice versa, even though we know that Konan isn't in England, then we should be able to get to Konan from anywhere else and to anywhere else from Konan, right?"

"I seem to remember reading something like that."


"Hey, Guardians have handbooks, too."

"Well, considering that I haven't even seen the Otaku handbook, I'd say that it's a little one-sided here."

"C'mon, you wouldn't read it, anyway. You won't even read the directions on how to set your alarm clock."

"Hey, I managed just fine, didn't I?"

"That's my point. You don't need it. Now, since Celly just dropped us here, I think it'd be wise to move. What'd you take, anyway?"

Susanne grinned. "I'll tell you later. C'mon, let's go."