Mercy stared at Orion in disbelief. Did I hear him correctly? He wants to train with me? She shook her head in confusion. I can't believe it... I absolutely cannot believe this is happening. Mercy's mind simply couldn't get past the fact that he wanted to train with her. Argh!! She screamed internally. Why... why couldn't he just leave me alone? He's butting in where he doesn't belong! He's drunk... that's it... he's got to be drunk... or high... or something!
"Are you smoking Mr. Happy Weed?" Mercy asked inquisitively. "Why the sudden interest in training with me?"
Orion met her eyes and just looked at her... too stunned to say anything. He couldn't believe that she had the gall to ask. He felt himself start to get angry. "Where the hell do you get off asking me these questions?" he blazed at her. "I gave you my word not to drink or do anything stupid. Do you really think so lowly of me? Do you really think I would break my word? And, anyway... I thought you would like a partner to help you train!"
"Well, I don't need your help!" Mercy snapped back, slightly amazed by Orion's temper.
"Well, I'm sorry I asked. I guess it was a mistake. You can be sure that it won't happen again," Orion stated sarcastically.
Mercy just rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Like I even care. Just go back to sulking and get out of my way, you're wasting my time."
Orion glared at her. He couldn't retort about the sulking... he'd have to give her the reason why. I'll be damned before I give her and info on my private life! Orion paused in his thoughts. I suppose I could... maybe... Aw, hell! Why should *I* tell her anything? She'll just say I'm lying and slap me again! Or worse. He shuddered to himself. Boy, I'm glad she can't read my mind.
"Orion, are you going to get out of my way or do I have to physically do it myself?" Mercy scathingly asked.
Orion belatedly noticed that he was still standing in Mercy's way. Yet another strike against the blonde Otaku. He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "I dare you to take you best shot at me."
"Orion, don't mess with me, I'm pissed at you enough as it is, and I told you I didn't want a training partner!" Mercy stamped her foot in frustration.
"Come on, I dare you," Orion shot back with a mocking drawl. "Or are you just too chicken to do it?"
Mercy was getting really angry at this point. She hated being called a chicken. The last person who called her that had gotten beaten into a bloody pulp. She really didn't want to do that to her Guardian... but... but he called me a damn chicken! She could almost see feathers floating before her vision. That simply was not acceptable. He was going to pay for that.
"Awww, is Mercy scared that she is going to hurt little old Orion?" he said tauntingly. He even went as far as to make a few clucking sounds.
That was the straw that broke the Otaku's back.
Mercy's sight went red. Nobody taunts me! Nobody taunts me and gets away with it. He is *so* going to pay for that! "You, bakayarou!!! Nobody calls me chicken! You are *so* dead, my friend!" Mercy screamed.
"Yeah, right. Like you could touch..."
Orion was cut off when Mercy's foot landed on his jaw, sending him flying backwards. The roundhouse landed right where she wanted it. She hadn't wanted to hear the end of his remark.
"Why, you little witch," Orion spat, hold his jaw. "You're going to pay for that! You slapping me is one thing, but this is *it*!"
"You asked for it! You told for me to take my best shot, and I did. You had it coming for calling me chicken!"
"Yeah, well take this!" He spun and countered with a crescent kick but Mercy jumped above it and landed a leopard strike at the back of his neck, sending Orion to the ground. She landed on her feet and became poised to deliver the next blow.
Orion slowly came up, muttering and cursing. He couldn't believe that she had already dealt two strikes and he hadn't laid a hand on her. But, he wouldn't give up so easily. He next tried to land a backfist but she landed another leopard strike. He getting really pissed, he had never lost a fight sober. He had to figure out how to win the up hand.
"What, Orion, can't take the heat?" Mercy remarked.
"You are going to regret that you ever said that, little girl!" Orion screamed impatiently.
"Little! What are you calling me âlittle' for, you drunken jerk!! Don't call me that ever again!" Mercy rushed at him, landing another roundhouse, this time to his stomach. She again sent Orion to the ground. She watched him slowly peel himself off the ground. She stood there as she watched Orion become even more angry than before. She knew that he was not very happy. She was kicking his butt, and he was not happy because he was losing to a woman. Thank god, her friends had trained her so well.
Mercy rushed him again, doing a spinning back crescent kick but this time he managed to grab a hold of her leg and he sent her flying forwards. Mercy landed on her back. She laid there for a moment. Damn, the bakayarou, actually managed to lay a strike on me. She slowly sat up and rubbed her head and back and looked at Orion. He was looking at her like he had seen a ghost. A flash of insight struck her.
"Orion, who the hell is Felicity?"
Orion buckled over, not believing that Mercy had actually spoken *that* name. He couldn't tell her, he'd have to deny the whole thing. How the hell did she know her name, anyway?!?
"I don't know who your talking about."
"Bullshit, Orion, you know who I'm talking about."
"Look... I don't want to talk about her... it'll lead to bad things..."
"Whatever, Orion," Mercy replied, rolling her eyes. She was blissfully oblivious to the mess she was getting herself into. "Who the hell was she? Tell me now or I'll beat it out of you."
"Felicity was... umm..." Orion stammered. All of his anger had left him once Felicity's name was mentioned. It was so difficult to remember! So hard to put everything into words!
"She was what?" Mercy kept pressing.
"She was my charge a long time ago and I..." Orion couldn't finish the sentence. Damn her, he thought to himself. I don't want to talk about this.
"Let me guess... you fell in love with her."
How could Mercy be so blunt about it? Oh, yes... the blonde had never *really* fallen in love before. "Yes, but she fell in love with me. And as you know, that is not a good thing."
"Is that it?"
"No, no that's not all of it," Orion said quietly. He winced as he felt the pain of his memories overtake him.
"So, if there's more, finish the story," Mercy said impatiently.
"She... was in a battle and... she was... umm... well..."
Damn it, Orion, can't you even admit it to yourself?!? "She was...?" Mercy prodded.
"She was killed because I wasn't there! I should have been there to guard her, but I wasn't! She *died* because I wasn't there!" Orion exploded. As soon as the words left his mouth, he covered his face in his hands, valiantly struggling not to break down.
"You did what!!!" Mercy screamed in shock. "They entrusted *my* life into *your* hands after *that*?!"
Mercy sat in utter amazement. She couldn't believe anything that she was hearing. No wonder that idiot had start drinking. Sheesh, how could the Council do this to me? She looked at Orion. He was avoiding her gaze but she saw a tear roll down his cheek.
"How can I ever trust you now, knowing about that incident? You weren't there when Celly beat me, but that was part of the plan. You've failed once... I don't know if I can trust you Orion," Mercy said quietly.
Orion winced at the barb in her words. Damn it all, I shouldn't have told her. However, he only turned his sad eyes to her and asked, "And how can I trust you after you switched sides without even telling me?"
Mercy opened her mouth to speak... but then closed it. For once, she had nothing left to say.