Nyx glanced over and saw Remy trying to revive Celly, and before Roger knew what was happening, she had drawn her gun and fired.
He watched in horror as Susanne fell. Remy flinched at the sound but did not look up. Nyx crossed over to Remy and said something, then she picked up the unconscious Celly and carried her out.
Roger silently came out of the shodows and knelt beside Susanne. He glanced up to see Remy looking at them, and stared icily at her until she dropped her gaze and left the room.
The bleeding had stopped. He easily lifted the lifeless body, opened a portal, and disappeared.
"Order!" the leader said. "Everyone, we've got a lot to discuss!" After a few more murmers and wispers, the Guardian's Council was seated, and the leader sighed. "Alright... first, since I wonšt be able to get anything done until this matter has been cleared, the Game seems to be coming to a head. No one expected one of the most powerful Otaku to fall first, but stranger things have happened." He turned to a Guardian standing next to the door. "Bring him in."
The door opened, and Roger entered. He looked tired and disheveled. He stood at the end of the table and looked calmly at the leader.
"Guardian Roger, I'm sure we donšt have all the information we could in this matter. It seems we rarely do. Perhaps you could fill in some of the details."
After a moment, Roger just silently shook his head.
The leader looked a little confused. "Roger, as it stands, the records state that she was killed in battle, though her opponent was weak and she should have beaten her easily."
He mumbled something.
"Say again?"
Barely audible, he whispered, "I shouldn't have let her go."
A few of the Guardians exhanged looks. It wasn't very hard to guess what the outcome of this would be.
The silence streched into minutes, until the leader cleared his throat. "Perhaps you can take some time off, and when youšre up to it, write your report and hand it in." He pointed to two of the Guardians, and they stood up and escorted Roger out of the room.
The one on his left, one of the few female Guardians, gave him a sympathetic look. He stared at the ground as he walked, pretending he hadnšt seen. The one on his right seemed aloof, not even looking in his direction as they walked.
"The SERA systems are way too extensive," one of the Guardians was saying. "We need to implement a similar program, allowing us access--"
"To what?" another Guardian countered. "Is this some television show wešre watching? Have you forgotten what itšs like to be out in the field? Knowing that the Council is watching every move would be too restricting!"
"It would only restrict what they're not supposed to be doing! Maybe you haven't noticed, but half the Guardians out there shouldn't be out there at all! Just look at Roger--"
The door was flung open as one of the Guardians who had been walking with Roger ran in. He spoke quietly with the leader. The other Guardians leaned cloesr to hear. They only caught snippets, but it was enough. "Walking quietly... seemed a bit ddepressed... dagger we didn't see... taking care of it..."
The leader nodded, and the Guardian reclaimed his seat at the table, amid a few curious stares.
The meeting resumed.
Roger coughed and sat up. "Ugh," he moaned. "I really hate that," he said.
"What, dying?" the other Guardian said.
He turned around. "Oh, so you stuck around, did you?"
She nodded. "The snob left to tell the head honcho that you committed suicide over your Otaku. Išm supposed to be cleaning up your mess. And, I'd like to add, that this is about the cleverest way I can think of to get out from the Councilšs jurisdiction."
Roger stood up and brushed himself off, and put the dagger back in HammerSpace. "Let me know what goes on with the Council, though, huh?"
"Of course. Išll see you around."
"Sure thing. I owe you one, Amanda."
She headed back to the meeting, and Roger went back to his apartment. He'd have to clear out, of course, but they wouldnšt be moving anyone into here for a few days.
He dropped his jacket on the couch and headed for the bedroom.
"Ah, awake now, are you?" he said as he entered and saw Susanne standing in the middle of the room, looking around in confusion.