Celly smiled. "A new wardrobe does wonders for the personality, hmm? Actually, I'm waiting for Mamoru-nii- chan. He offered to pick up Nyx-chan and Mercy-san from the Mori. At least, that's where I think they are."
"You're wrong, imouto-chan. We're right here."
The three people in the room looked up to see Mamoru, Mercy, and Orion standing in the doorway.
"I can't believe it... you polished off lunch without us?"
"You snooze, you loose, ânii-chan. Where's Nyx?"
Mamoru smiled and nodded towards Mercy. "You'll have to ask her. Nyx wasn't around when I arrived."
Celly waved at the table and the three newcomers found places.
The two Otaku sized each other up for a moment. "You know that I still don't trust you."
"Do you think I care? All I want to do is stay in this Game long enough to make a difference. I'm not getting whacked early."
"Hmm. So, where's Nyx?"
"She took off. She told me to tell you that she went to a bar."
Celly frowned for a moment but shook it off. "Oh well. Nyx knows the way here, and I'm sure she can take care of herself. But she's going to miss out on the fun."
Remy grinned. "Are we going back? Ne? Ne? Ne?"
"Hai. I'm pretty sure you can handle it."
"Where exactly are you going?" Mercy asked. The men in the room leaned in expectantly.
"Are we taking her this time too, Celly?"
Celly stared at Mercy for a moment. Then she stood up from her chair and crossed over to Mercy. Not knowing what to expect, Mercy sprang up from her chair. The two stood face to face.
"Who are you?" Celly asked.
Mercy was confused. "Uh... I'm Mercy."
"Who are you?" Celly asked again.
It clicked. "Watashi wa Tasuki no Otaku."
"*Who* are you?"
"Tasuki no Otaku!"
Celly smiled. "I think she can take it."
"Are you planning on telling *us* just what you girls are doing?" Dionysus asked dryly.
"Nope," Remy answered. "You'd just get angry and do that testosterone-laden, guy-in-outrage thing. It's better this way."
"Well, let's go. We're burning daylight." Celly walked out the doors after a wink in the general direction of Mamoru and Dionysus. Remy was close on her heels, and Mercy reluctantly followed.
"Uh... where exactly are we going again? Celly? Remy? Hey! Where are we going?!?"
Celly ran for the door, dragging a shell-shocked Mercy behind her. Ahead of her, she could see Remy whooping and waving something in her hand around. Behind the three Otaku, a man followed screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs. He was running surprisingly fast for a man wearing nothing but a towel. It... flapped up... and down... with... every... step... he...
Celly shook herself out of her stupor, poured on the speed, dashed out the door and slammed it locked. Letting go of Mercy's hand, she leaned over and took deep breaths. "Remy... *wheeze* we have to talk... *huff* about your kleptomania..."
Remy was bouncing up and down on her toes, laughing to herself. She was holding long strips of bandage in her hand. On her head, she had tied a red bandana, and she was virtually swimming in the white gi she had... appropriated for herself. The pants were almost falling off of her, but Celly smiled as she read the black "Aku" printed on the back of the jacket of the gi.
Celly spared a glance at Mercy, who was standing still, mumbling incoherently to herself. Celly waved her hand across the blonde's eyes but got no response. "Sheesh... and I thought she could handle it..." Celly crossed to Remy. "Are you happy now? I thought you would take someone's pants... but noooooo... you had to steal the whole outfit!"
"Hey! I gave him a towel," Remy giggled. "Besides, it's not stealing. I'm just--"
"Borrowing it. Uh huh."
"It's true! Anyway, he probably has something else to wear. And if he doesn't, well... he'll have to wait until we go back. I just hope nothing happens to that towel."