"There doesn't seem to be much choice. It's not fair."
"What does fair have to do with it? I still don't think this is a good idea."
"You're still angry about what happened earlier."
"Shut your friggin' mouth! I didn't *ask* her to do it!"
A gruff sound of disgust came from the background.
"Well, at least you've got some support. I wouldn't sneeze at that. But still, in the bigger scheme of things..."
"What's with all the big words? I mean, it ain't like we're gonna be hurtin' anybody. Sounds like somethin' fun ta me. We have a duty ta defendin' our honor."
"So says the self-proclaimed gift to women. Sure this isn't gonna be an ego-trip for you?"
"Lay off it, oinker. You know I don't want all of âem. It's all my baka oyaji's fault. âSides, you know you wanna take a shot at it too."
"Why you... I'll kill you!"
"Maa... maa... daijobou! Don't fight everyone! I am skeptical about this too, but they did have a point."
"Sure you're not trying to get out of doing the laundry?"
"Nan demo nai."
"Well, we're not being forced into doing it. They said that the decision was up to us whether we go through with this or not."
"But, do we really have to go so far...?"
"Sometimes the only way to prove your point is to do it in the flashiest way possible."
"Well, as long as no one gets hurt, I suppose we can do it. Ah, but I'm a little sleepy. Do you mind if we get a little rest first?"
"Well, if everyone says âyes,' I'll do it too."
"I guess we're going through with it then?"
"Do you really think that this is smart?"
"Smart? Not in a million years. Fun? Yes. Effective? Yes. But definitely not smart."
"Then why are we doing it?"
"I don't really know. It just seems like a good idea. I don't like being limited. Hey, are you sure you're okay?"
"For the hundredth time, yes! I can take it."
"I hope so, we don't have anymore time to waste."
"Are we telling the boys?"
"Well, Mamoru, we have to. The others... it's up to you two."
"I can vouch that ânii-chan will do his part. I just have to talk him into it. I don't know how he'll react to the whole shebang though. Dion... Dion will find out soon enough."
"You don't sound too confident there. I'm keeping Orion in the dark. I can ignore him well enough, but that doesn't mean I want him bitching at me for days on end."
"Do we really have to do this now?"
"There's no other choice. Even with the three of us, it's going to be a stretch to keep all of this together."
"And you were originally planning on doing this alone?"
"Hai. It was the only way."
"I guess we're going through with it then?"