"Would you mind moving your hands?" an annoyed Sanosuke asked.
Celly snapped back to attention and jumped off of the tall Bishounen. "S-Sano-sama... gomen nasai!" she blurted out. Still, she couldn't keep the blush from rising to her cheeks. A soft mutter caught Celly's attention and she looked down.
There, lying half across Aoshi-sama's stomach and with Mikagami-sama's arms wrapped around her waist, lay Remy, who was in a blissful daze. "Heaven..." she muttered. "This is Heaven..."
Aoshi-sama, who was at the bottom of the pile, apparently didn't feel the same way. He grunted something unhappily, shoved the other two people off of his person, and stood up. Mikagami-sama hastily stood up as well, though he didn't quite manage to hide the flush across his face. Remy whimpered forlornly for a moment before picking herself up and asking, "Hey, where are we?"
Celly turned and looked around the field for the first time. She took in the bellbottom-clad mass of Flower People... the Main Stage looming in the distance... the people making out in public... and the smell of hallucinogens in the air. "No..." Celly whispered. It was gone... everything... Lambda Project... the swordsmen fighting in Tokyo...
The havoc being wrought as WeiĂ destroyed various landmarks across the world...
The destruction of mechs and guymelefs in Disneyworld...
"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Celly screamed. She then followed up by cursing fluently, graphically, and loudly in seven different languages, three of them dead.
After she was done with her tantrum, Celly looked up to see Remy, Aoshi-sama, Mikagami-sama, and Sano-sama staring at her in awe.
Sano-sama whistled appreciatively. "I'm gonna have to remember that one, jo-chan."
Mercy stared at her hand in shock, and then at Kagetsuya-sama's reddened cheek. She was aghast at what she had just done... to a Bishounen nonetheless! "Oh! Kagetsuya-sama! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean... I mean, I didn't know... I was confused and..."
Kagetsuya-sama raised a hand to stop Mercy's frantic apology and explanation. He merely frowned at her for a long moment and Mercy's eyes started to tear up. The blond angel was surprised. The look of sadness and self-recrimination in her eyes was almost the same as the look in Chihiya's... "It is alright, Mercy," he found himself saying. "Just forget about it."
"Forget about it," Kagetsuya-sama said harshly. "I understand why you reacted the way you did. You are only an Earthian, after all. I should not have expected anything else."
Messiah-sama stood up, setting Mercy on her own feet. The girl was chastened and Messiah-sama got slightly peeved. "You needn't be so mean, Kagetsuya. Just leave her be, a lot has happened in a very short period of time."
Mercy smiled tentatively at Messiah-sama, who grinned back. Turning her smile on Kagetsuya-sama, he merely huffed and turned away. Mercy dropped her head again when Kagetsuya-sama's blue shirt flew towards her. "Put that on," he ordered. "It wouldn't do to have you going around undressed. It would attract too much attention."
Mercy opened her mouth to say thank you when a loud scream and fluent cursing cut her off. Mercy's head snapped towards the direction of the sound, as did Messiah-sama's and Kagetsuya-sama's.
"That's Celly!" Mercy exclaimed as she finished buttoning the shirt. "She must be nearby. I'd know her screaming anywhere."
"Very well, then," Kagetsuya-sama said. "Perhaps Celeste knows more about what has happened here than we do. We should try to find her."
With that, both Bishounen angels retracted their wings, and the three made their way through the crowd to where Celly's voice had come from.