"Does anyone know where the *hell* we are now? I mean, *when* the hell are we now?" Mercy groused.
"No clue," Remy answered. "It's not familiar to the Boys Upstairs either. It's sort of chilly here, isn't it?"
"You know what they say, don't you?" Celly asked. At her allies' blank stares, she continued. "If you screw with Time too much, eventually a pissed off Pluto comes to kick your ass."
"You have too many thoughts," Mercy said. Then she looked around. "Hey, nice castle."
"What castle?"
Both black-haired girls turned to look at what Mercy was pointing at. Indeed, there was a castle, sitting on a hill. People were moving around it, probably doing some sort of menial labor.
"Do you think we should go there?" Celly asked.
"We don't even know when we are," Remy replied. "For all we know, there might be some sort of murderous clan of killers in that castle."
"So what are we going to do? Sit around until another change of scenery?!" Mercy exclaimed. "I'm getting really ticked off here!"
Celly sat down and covered her face in her hands. "I hate time-travel..." she muttered.
The trio was in all sorts of trouble. They didnât know where nor when they were, and they didnât even know if any other Otaku were around, seeing how the Buzz was on the fritz. Mercy decided to take her aggressions out on a nice-sized tree, punching, kicking, even hacking at it with her lightsaber. Remy was staring in one direction, quietly mumbling as she talked to the three Bishounen still stuck in her mind. Celly did the only thing she could at the moment. She let out a deep breath and flopped onto her back, tucking her hands under her head. Mercy and Remy looked at her for a moment. Before they could ask, Celly explained.
"Iâm going to take a nap."
"NANI?!" Mercy screeched. "Youâre going to take a nap at a time like this?!"
"Listen, until one of us miraculously develops time traveling powers, weâre stuck here. We might as well wait it out. Besides, Iâm dead tired after those last minute plans for Lambda Project. Iâm not planning on fighting anytime soon, but if I have to, I donât want to worry about falling asleep. Wake me up when Armageddon starts." With that, Celly closed her eyes.
Mercy shook her head before delivering one last kick to the tree and toppling it completely. She sat down next to Celly, reached into HammerSpace and pulled out a soda and a magazine. "Rest and relaxation... sounds good to me. You want a soda, Remy?"
"No, thanks," Remy replied. "Iâm going to take a bit of a walk and stretch my legs. I might find something interesting."
"Just be careful," Celly mumbled with her eyes still closed.
"Daijoubu! Besides, Iâve got my own form of protection," Remy said, tapping her head. "Iâll be back in a bit."