Celly rubbed the towel briskly across her head for some time, and then finally removed it, tossing it into HammerSpace. Hauling out a full length mirror and a brush, Celly leaned the mirror against a convenient tree and stared at her damp ebony locks. As she brushed her hair, Celly glanced over to where Mercy was. The blonde Otaku was sorting through her HammerSpace and finally pulled out a blowdryer. She looked at the plug for a moment before walking over to the generator Celly had brought out earlier and plugged it in. Soon, the whir of the blowdryer filled the air. Celly stared at the mirror again and fluffed up her bangs. She glanced in the other direction and smiled as she saw Remy, who was muttering quietly as she ran a comb through her, now very short, hair. Mercy had done her best with a pair of scissors and straightened out the previously uneven mess. Remy had given Sanosuke-sama the comeuppance he deserved, not that he really listened to her in the first place. The whole situation was getting slightly ridiculous. Remy finished with her hair and tied on a red bandana. She was wearing the white gi again... was Sanosuke-sama in charge again? No... it was Remy. Celly could tell because Remy held her normal posture, instead of one of a very tall man.

Remy, seeing Celly's eyes on her, walked over. "Do you mind if I borrow that mirror? I want to get a good look at what the Bishounen-tachi tried to do to me."

Celly nodded. "Sure. Mercy-san? Would you like to use the mirror too?"

The blonde switched off the hairdryer. "Okay," she said, pulling out a brush and standing in front of the mirror.

Celly tossed her brush back into her HammerSpace and sighed. The little vacation had been nice, but she was starting to worry about what was happening in their time. Celly frowned as she thought of all her plans being delayed. It was rather annoying. Sure, she could make up for the lost time, but still... it irked her. There's something wrong with this picture, Celly thought to herself. I didn't know any of the other Otaku had time-travel capabilities. And without the Buzz, we could be sitting ducks out here. "Shimatta..." Celly muttered. "Why does all this weird stuff happen to me?!"

A flash of light went off right above Celly's head, and she was momentarily blinded by it. Then the air whooshed out of her lungs as something landed on her back and knocked her to the ground. She could hear Remy and Mercy yelling something... what?

An attack?!? Who?!?

As the stars left Celly's eyes and the weight was removed from her back, Celly flipped up into a fighting stance and the BBBoD was in her hand. Finally, Celly's vision cleared and Celly stared at the girl who was her attacker. Mercy was on the attacker's left, holding her lightsaber. Remy was on the attacker's right, her stance had shifted and Ensui was in her hand... Mikagami-sama had taken control. Celly stared hard at the attacker and her eyes widened, her BBBoD falling from her grasp to thud softly on the grass. The girl's appearance... so familiar... the necklace around her neck... that was... no... it was impossible... She had heard the stories... she had seen the pictures... but nothing, NOTHING, had prepared her for this.

"Ma--masaka..." she whispered. "It... that's a... you... you... are you...?"

The girl nodded and smiled. "Hai. Sou desu."

The world went dark.
