A billow of smoke puffed from his lips and drfted into the night air. He had been standing in the cold for nearly an hour. He was cold and pissed and de-caffinated.

"Hey! Hey wait up!" A young man donning a black leather trench coat pushed past several patrons entering the night club. He was after a dark-haired woman in a sleek, strappy black dress and thigh high boots. The woman didn't look pleased and walked on, playing a deaf ear to his hail.

The purple haired man disappeared from sight and was suddenly leaning against a lamp post some 2 yards in the woman's direct path.

She glared at him. Her right eye twitched ever so subtly.

The man put on the most boyish smile he could muster. "Nanii?"

"Oh, you're imposible, you know that? Of course you know that." Her from the tone of her voice, the one observing them could tell that she was rather irritated by the man's prescence, but she had a fondness for him.

Her companion slipped his arm around her waist and hey continued to walk side by side. "Listen, gomen ne. How was I supposed to know you two hated each other's gutts? -- though, the chair flying across the room, narrowly missing the Brujah's face was a strong indication...but still. I had no clue going into it."

"Derrigan and I go back a long ways. Now, just because you're Prince doesn't mean you know everything."

"I know."

"You have plenty of rice to eat before you get to play Scorpio's league."


The two of them stopped before a blood red motorcycle. The woman tossed him a helmet and hopped on the bike, her companion rode behind her, clasping his arms around her waist.

"Um, Allen's not going to hear about this is he?" The man asked warily.

"I think that dent in the wall will give it away."

"Kuso." He bit back the pain in his stomach. He could almost feel the Ravons' fist penetrating his mid-section. "I'm sorry."

"Whose bright idea was it to hold peace meetings at the Dark Room? What's wrong with the Compound?"

Seth looked puppy-soulfully at her. "Go--"

"Oh, nevermind." The bike pulled from the curb and rode off.

The Watcher jumped into his car and was not far behind. He was not going to allow his charge to disappear from the face of the earth a third time. He was set on proving his competence to the others. He was not going to be taken off this case, no matter how much he wished it. It was not an option.

Camarilla Compound, Hollywood Hills. Night.

Victoria streched her muscles. It felt like everything inch of her ached. She tossed her kayes on the table and made a bee line for the bathroom.

A bath would be nice, she thought silently to herself. The Brujah were out for blood, but the yarous and the entire situation could be easily controlled if the Gangrel fractions would cool their heads. Special tabs would be placed on renegades.

Nakago no Otaku sat on the rin of the tub with her back agaisnt the cold surface of the tile. She sifted through her vanity and had choosen some lavander oil. It would help her sleep. Help ease her cares and calm her mind.

This is my life. Everything is back to normal, it had been for a month now.

It was as if nothign had changed. The book world... Bishounen Wars -- she shook herself from the thoughts. All those crazy people! Nyx -- the beast had been dormant as well. She had no qualms about keeping it that way. She had not heard from Susanne or Celly or any of the others and she did not care. The bottom line was, she wanted nothing to do with them. And from the looks of things, her life would cease from interruption.

*Ring,ring* It was her cell phone.

"Um...?" Victoria dried her hands and stepped into the bedroom. "Hello?"

"Captain, we have urgent news." It was one of the enson from Zeppelin Station.


"Our locators have indicated an Otaku prescence in your domain, Sire."

*Otaku??? Here??? Victoria screamed inside. Hell no!*

"Go on."

"Our locators indicate that it is Celeste-sama, sire."


"I see. Arigatou, enson. I will be in touch." Victoria terminated transmition.

*Celly? How dare she enter my domain! Wait--Celly attends UCLA, doesn't she? Well, it looks like we're all going along with our lives.*

Nakago no Otaku returned to her bath. She paused over the soft pink bubbles. "Hell no."

She reached in and uncorked the drain. Pampering herself would have to wait. Celly must be dealt with.
