


"Hey, asshole, are you blind?! Get that shitty car out of my goddamn lane!"

"Fuck you! Bastard!"

Turning away from the shine of the two cars, Remy continued to walk down the busy Los Angeles street. A slight smile tugged at the corner of her full mouth. It seemed like a lifetime since she'd heard the melodic strains of tires screeching, people cursing, and cars honking at lagging pedestrians who wouldn't get their "fat asses" out of the road. She was glad that she had refused to take Dion up on his offer for a lift to the dorm rooms in spite of his insistence. Even though it was a good hour's walk from Celly's house to the campus, she wouldn't have wanted to miss this for anything. Strange, but the heated arguments of stressed out, tofu eating, Starbucks drinking, road rage junkies actually did something to calm her turbulent thoughts.

Or maybe it wasn't so strange. She had needed some time to herself, and somehow a walk around the city seemed more... peaceful. It gave her a sense of normality that had been lacking ever since that mysterious blue light had taken her away from all she knew. And even with the three Bishounen trailing behind her in shock at what had just occurred, the fact that her personal space was greatly compromised (again!) didn't seem to annoy her as much as it usually did. For the first time since she discovered that the four of them had mind bonded, she was actually enjoying their company.

When their faces lit up with unexpected awe, she couldn't help but hold back a grin. It felt good.... Maybe it was the fact that she had once been the newcomer in this city. It was so different from Staten Island and she remembered that, not too long ago, her face held the same expression that her three Bishounen had. Everything seemed to hold a newness that transferred itself directly into Remy-tachi. It felt good... it felt right... almost...

If only...

If only she could push aside the nagging suspicion that all this would fade, not just the city itself, but the feelings that came by participating in it. Could she really just pick up where she left off when she knew that all this... that her life wasn't real?

"Kami-sama!" Sano breathed. The slight exclamation was just what Remy needed to knock her confused thoughts back. She looked back, her left eyebrow raised in silent inquiry. The Bishounen, all three of them, had paused at the last store they had past on the road and because she had been so engrossed with her thoughts, Remy had no clue what had caught their eye, or even what store they were standing in front of. Thoroughly curious, she walked towards them, and laughed when she caught sight of the display.

"Remy, what are those? Food right?" Sano said reverently pointing at each item in the pastry shop window.

"Hmmm," Remy paused in front of each piece of chocolate, "Chocolate mousse cheesecake... chocolate cream silk pie... OMG, they have fudge... let's go!"

And, miracle of miracle, no one seemed to object... ^_^!
