In an undisclosed part of Bishounen World...

The person looked around the bustling city, quietly taking in all the sights and people. Sharp eyes skimmed over the crowd, searching out their prey. That one certain person... enemy... lover... perhaps savior?

The eyes came across a man standing in the shadows.

The person was surprised. How could he sneak up on me without me noticing? A hand reached for the gun underneath the jacket, but stopped when the man spoke. The person listened carefully, eyes widening in surprise.

"But I already have a mission here."

More listening.

"Without me? Really?"


"I was 'just found'?"


"Kuso! I'll get everyone and we'll be on our way. We can postpone everything for this!"

The person ran off, quickly swallowed by the crowd of people. The man in the shadows pulled out a small piece of paper and checked something off.

His laughter filled the air.
