Meredith walked back from campus at a fast clip. It was her way of getting lost in her thoughts, and boy, were there a ton of them running around her head lately. School was stressful, as usual, but she had been doing okay, even passed her last chem test. No, that wasn't what was bothering her. Something had set her off into a funk, and she was determined to figure out what it was. "There's not much here that *can* set me off like this, though!" she thought. It was all very frustrating.

Then her mind wandered some more as she headed up the hill to the dorms. Her dreams had been weird lately. But then again, she had been sleeping in the middle of the day lately too, but she was so tired, she couldn't help it. But sleep didn't seem to help. "I wake up even more tired than when I laid down... But that one dream was really wierd." As she entered her room, it was 4:00. "Good, an hour til dinner... I can sleep!" And with that she flop-hopped onto her bed.

"Rapath!" Someone was calling out a vaguely familiar name. Finally she turned around to see who it was, and was met by a vaguely familiar face. The person was talking to her!

"Who are you? And whay are you calling me Rapath?"

"Because that's your name, silly."

"No, I'm afraid you've got me confused with somebody else. I'm Meredith." Meredith turned to walk away. This was starting to scare her because she wasn't quite sure she was right.

"At home you are, and none of this should scare you. You've been wrong before. Remember back in algebra, when..." Meredith cut her off.

"How'd you know what I was thinking? And how the crap do you know about my ALGEBRA class?" Now this was just freaking wierd.

"Because I'm the omniscient narrator of your dream world. Where else did you think the snow came from? You're dreaming, because there's certainly not snow on the ground at home... it melted yesterday, remember?"

"obkb. So why am I here?"

"I'm not quite sure yet. Mostly just to watch the other otakus. It's great stress relief, and you sure could use some of that." For the first time, Meredith didn't argue. "But this is your dream, even if it is my story. What would you like to do?"

"A purpose would be nice. Maybe then I can justify all this sleep I'm getting, when I should be studying."

"Well, the others are here to fight for their bishounen, but you don't have one as yet. How would you like to find one?"

"Bishounen?" Now Meredith was thouroughly confused. "If that's a ticket running for student body president, count me out. I'm sick of being accosted as I walk across campus. I'd never do that to other people."

"Huh? Oh. no, not exactly. Try 'pretty boy'... a guy. Not hard to grasp really, although it is a silly thing to spend any time on. Guys are all pretty lame, although there is this one.... nevermind. That's not important. We've got to find you a bishounen of your own. What do you like?"

"Like? As in what does my dream guy look like? Hmmmm... I've never thought about that one. How about I get back to you. Or better yet, how about we evaluate on a case by case basis?"

"Works for me. Anyway, you've got calc to do, and Yinyoo is about to show you her pictures, so we're done. But be thinking."

"One more thing.... are you behind those dreams I've been having? The ones about Susanne and some funky attackers? And why am I so portective of Susanne? And why the dreams? And-" Meredith's attack of questions was cut short. "Yinyoo's waiting. bye now!"

When Meredith awoke, there was someone rapping insistently at the door. "Who is it?" she sleepily responded.

"Me!" called a familiar voice. "My packages came today, and I have pictures to show you!"

"K, hang on." Pushing the dream out fo her mind, Meredith opened the door and started to talk with Lindsay.