Special Ops.
00:00 hours.

Red lights and alarm klaxons went off all around Castle Anthrax. Unnamed Otakus scurried around quickly, getting into position and awaiting orders from their Commander.

Celly frowned as she looked at all the alarms going off. "Ops!" she snapped. "Status Report!"

Bob looked up from his station. "We've got an unknown presence in Sector 00-76-3!" His hands flew across the keypads, bringing up information. "It's confirmed! The presence is Otaku!"

"Battle Stations! Red Alert!" Celly ordered. "Bring it up on the screen Bob. I want to see who dare invades Castle Anthrax!"

The screen flared to life, a shot of Section 00-76-3 replacing the view of toasters flying across the screen. Celly's eyes widened as she saw who had invaded HammerSpace. "Bob... bring us down to Yellow Alert. I'll confront this matter myself." The klaxons shut off and the red lights stopped flashing. Celly stood up and addressed her minions. "Everyone, stay at Yellow Alert until I return. If I don't, you know what to do."

The Unnamed Otakus all saluted as Celly marched out of Castle Anthrax.

Bishounen World.
-00:10 hours.

Nyx was ready to rock.

With the replacement of her spirit and memories she was a completely different person... stronger... more confident. She sweatdropped whenever she thought about how much of a wuss she had been before. Now she was on a mission.

She was looking for more coffee.

"Kuso! I know I have more coffee in here somewhere!" Nyx exclaimed as she rummaged through her HammerSpace. "I need my fix!"

Milton watched warily as Nyx went deeper and deeper into her HammerSpace in her serach for java. "Uh... Nyx? That isn't such a good idea--"

"Urusai!!! I want coffee!!! And I want it noooooowwwwwww..." Nyx's voice faded from hearing. Milton sighed.

Nyx had fallen through HammerSpace. Damn... was she in for it now...

Sector 00-76-3.
-00:02 hours

Nyx had fallen for a long, long time before she hit bottom. When she did, she was knocked senseless. She didn't know how long she was out, but Nyx instinctively knew that she wasn't in Kansas anymore. Or the Bishounen World, for that matter.

"Millie?" she called. "Where are you?"

She looked around at her surroundings, trying to find her missing Guardian. Where ever she was, it was really strange. All sorts of knick knacks and loose ends were piled around or simply floating in the air. She saw a very large mallet in front of her and vaguely heard a feminine voice yell, "Ranma no baka!!!" before the mallet disappeared.

"Where in jigoku am I?!?"
