Sector 00-76-3
00:01 hours

"You're in HammerSpace."

Nyx spun around and was surprised to see Celly standing before her with her arms crossed, a faintly bored expression on her face. What the most surprising thing was, however, was that the fuku-clad girl was not immediately attacking her.

"What are you doing here, Celly?" Nyx asked.

"What am *I* doing here, Nakago no Miko? I should ask you the same question. I am here because my headquarters is here. I am here because I have work to do. Why are you here? Fall through your HammerSpace?"

Nyx flushed, but regained her resolve. "Why aren't you attacking me? Not that I'm not greatful... but why aren't you coming for my head or whatever?"

Celly smiled. "Contrary to popular belief, I don't attack every person I see. Only those special few who make it onto my Shit List. Anyway, attacking first instills fear into my opponents. See how everyone tries to avoid me? It gives me more time to work."

"Work on what?"

"Do you really think I'd tell you?" Celly asked archly. Nyx just shook her head. "Actually, I'm here to offer you a proposition."


"As you know, we Otaku must face each other in battle for our Bishounen. I'm suggesting that you and I enter an arrangement. We become partners and wipe out everyone else. Of course, we'd eventually have to fight each other as well, but why take the risk of accidentally being whacked by one of the other Otakus? We take care of them first, then fight each other."

"Why should I join up with you?"

"Well," Celly started, her BBBoD appearing in her hand, "I could always fight you now. We are on my home turf, I have the advantage. Plus, if you somehow manage to win, you won't be able to reap your reward. You'll be stuck here, only I can let you out of HammerSpace. So... what's your decision?"

Nyx pondered over the offer. Celly was right. She had the homecourt advantage in HammerSpace. I probably wouldn't last five minutes with her right now... besides, it sounds like a good deal. Get rid of everyone else before fighting her. "I accept," she finally said.

Celly grinned and giggled like a schoolgirl. "Great! I knew you'd accept. You're Nakago no Miko... you know the value of having a good plan. Now let's get back to Castle Anthrax."

Nyx nodded, glad that she kept her head on her shoulders. "What's Castle Anthrax?"

Special Ops.
Castle Anthrax.

As Celly and Nyx entered Special Ops, Bob turned from his position. "Mistress Celeste! Mistrees Nyx! We've got contact! I think you'll be interested in this."

A picture appeared on the viewscreen and the two Otaku gazed at it. Small smile gracing their lips.

"Hey, Celly," Nyx started. "How about we start on that partnership right now?"

"An excellent idea, Nyx. My thoughts exactly."

Everyone's attention was focused on the person on the screen. The soon-to-be victim of the new Alliance.

Hotohori no Otaku.

