Castle Anthrax.

"Mistress Nyx! Mistress Nyx!" a panicked voice called. Nyx turned around and saw Bob coming for her at top speed.

"What is it, Bob?"

"Hotohori no Otaku..." he panted. "... power levels raised... went crazy... Mistress Celeste... in trouble..."

Nyx cursed roundly. Celly had left her behind as backup support. It sure as hell sounded like she needed that back up now. "Fine. We go to Contingency Plan B. Gather the Unnamed Otakus and prepare them. Celly will call us out."

"Hai, Nyx-sama!" Bob ran off again and Nyx watched for a moment before moving at a fast clip to the upper levels of Castle Anthrax.

I just have to wait for Celly to call us out, she thought to herself, glad for her earlier coffee kick. All we can do is wait. Then I get to have fun. I get to test my powers. I get to whup ass. "Sugoi!!!" she exclaimed to no one in particular.

Konan Capital.
Bishounen World.

Celly didn't particularly like getting her butt kicked in. In fact, she was downright hostile towards the idea. This was wrong, Susanne shouldn't have been this powerful yet... something was interfering. Those purple sparks in her aura... Celly thought to herself as she threw up a shield to protect herself. But Susanne was still in a rage, her emotions fueling her powers. The shield helped, but Celly still screamed in pain with every blast that connected with the shields.

Kuso! This isn't part of the plan! I was supposed to make her weaker, not piss her off! Her thoughts were broken as she cried out involuntarily as another barrage of blasts connected. Susanne was still ranting at the top of herlungs.

"You! It's all your fault! You're the one who kept attacking me... you're the one who kept making us fight! I don't care! I want to go home! You took it all away from me!" Susanne fired off blast after blast, wallowing in her own misery and denial. She was not tiring and not completely coherent as to what she was doing.

But Celly was.

Celly saw everything she did.

It was all she could do to keep the shield up. Celly didn't even dare think about trying to launch a suicidal assault on the unbalanced girl. She would never make it through her storm of attacks. Celly contented herself with riding out the barrage, waiting to pounce at the appropriate time. The sound of cracking stone caught her attention though. Celly opened her eyes from their tightly-shut-in-concentration position and took in her surroundings.

And she was horrified.

The alley where they had been fighting was no longer an alley. It was a battlefield. The buildings had taken the brunt of Susanne's attacks since the enraged Otaku had not been aiming well. About half a block had been demolished by Susanne's anger. Cold fury burned in Celly's heart. The people... Kami-sama... what about the people?!? She muttered a quick prayer that all of the people had fled before the fight had gotten too bad. People in Konan, like in Tokyo, tended to know where a fight was taking place and quickly vacate the area. Ice blue eyes focused on the brown-haired girl who continued to launch assault after assault on her. She watched with a grim, thin-lipped expression as she watched an energy blast ricochet off her shield and total what was left of a building. She listened to all off her words of anger, grief, and confusion.

And Celly was being blamed.

Celly was being blamed for all of Hotohori no Miko, Susanne's faults and troubles. This... girl... was blaming her for the fact she was Otaku. Blaming her for everything that had gone wrong in her life. Hell, Susanne would probably blame her for all the destruction she was causing because of her short temper and ill-use of her powers.

The one thing Celeste hated above all was being blamed for things that she did not do. So, Celly did the only thing she could... she snapped.

"IMA!!!" Celly screamed. With renewed strength and vigor she threw out her shield, expanding it and slamming it into and unsuspecting Susanne. Hotohori no Otaku took the full force of the energy wall and flew back twenty feet before hitting what was left of a building wall. Celly retracted the shield and dropped it. The shield would only get in the way now.

She growled low in her throat as Susanne shook her head, trying to regain her senses. "Get up, baka! Give me the fight I want! I told you I didn't want to fight, yet you attack me anyway! Have you honor?!? Do you not understand that the Oath of an Otaku is as binding as law? Well, if you want me, here I am!!!"

Celly swiftly attacked, the BBBoD appearing in her hand and smoothly morphing into a blade with but a thought. Susanne manage to scramble beneath the swinging arch of the blade that would have cleaved her in half. Instinct took over and Susanne quickly fired off another blast. Celly dodged and then watched in horror as the blast impacted on a poor peasant's home instead. Celly's inattentiveness allowed Susanne to fire again, clipping Celly in the side.

She was too tired... too worn out from the previous attacks. Celly slumped to her knees, clutching her side and whimpering in pain.

Triumph flared in Susanne's eyes. "There can be only one, hunh?" she mocked. "How do ya like getting a taste of your own medicine? I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me... what you did to my life and my family and my friends..."

There it was again. Blaming her for things she did not do. Celly's eyes flashed for a moment with a new surge of strength. It wouldn't end this way!!! The energy and power built up inside of her and rushed through her veins like a tidal wave... a heady aphrodisiac of power and strength. She didn't even hear Susanne gasp and back away as her hair turned white and stood on end. A massive aura flared around her. Celly stopped caring anymore. She fed off her own anger, pain, fear and rage. She stood up with a muted roar, her BBBoD disappearing from her grip. Her hand twisted and something *new* fitted itself in her grip.

Celly leveled the SuperOni Ki Blaster (TM) at Susanne's chest. "Yamete," she whispered... and fired.

TBC... (quite a cliff hanger, huh?)