Nyx started to go. Then something within her awakened. Why had she let that girl with the chocolate aura imobilize her like that? She had them right where she wanted them and yet she let them slip through her grasp? But on the other hand, why not? The Silence Glaive was at her throat, one slash and...

She felt a migrain coming on. She opened her Hammerspace and oulled out a frosty bottle of Frapaccino and pressed its icy surface to her forehead and down the side of her face to her neck. "Ah...." she breathed with relief.

"All better now?" It was Millie, in animal form, ofcourse. He was sitting no more than five feet from wher she stood.

"Yeah, I'm good-despite of the fact that I alllowed myself to be beaten back by two little girls. What the hell am I talking about? They're the same age as I am. What the hell is going on here?"

Millie got up on his four legs and walked passed her. "Come on."


"Throgh the Continuum."

Nyx opened the Mobius and they crossed its threshold. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he replied. Los Angeles, California - Night
Villa San Jesephe

Nyx and Millie stepped into the terace of the villa. Nyx's hand flew to her mouth nd her eyes grew as wide as plates. "L.A.....? Home...?"

Millie said nothing. "I thought you could use a break. I thought this would be a good place to tell you."

But Nyx barely heard him. She was running to the gardens.

"Wait!" he exclaimed as she rounded the corner.

Nyx ran breathlessly towards the edge of the formal garden, passed the grand fountain. Her hands griped the concrete railing tightly. The city of Los Angeles spread before her, like a establishing shot in a movie. There was the 1st Interstate building and all of the downtown which she loved so much. She imagined the Central Library nestled amongst that chaos. It made her heart light again. Who cares about the smog or the damn traffic? She was home!

As Nyx stared longingly at the scene, she did not notice Millie come up behind her. He eyed her. 'She's so happy,' he thought. ' This must have been what she was like before...' He morphed into his human form, he moved towards her, his hand about to touch her arm--then he sharply drew it back and changed again, back into the wolf. 'No, not yet.'

"Um...Nyx," he began.

"Yeah?" she barely muttered, her eyes not leaving the welcome sights of home for fear that it would all be an illusion. "Not now, Millie."

Just then, a purple cat with a moon crest on its forehead appeared in sight, balancing gracefully on the thin railing, coming towards Nyx. It reached her and rubbed aganist her arm.

"No way!" Nyx jumped back. She knew well that cats weren't purple and that hey didn't have moon tattoos on their foreheads, or what ever that thing was.

"I tried to tell you..." Millie began.

"You mean this isn't L.A.? You tricked me!" Nyx felt the tears swell up in her eyes but fought them back.

"Who's this thing?" She asked, motioning to the cat. "Forgive me, if I'm not sooooo enthusiastic. After that freak-o drag queen guy, I'm starting to develop an allergy to the feline population."

"Don't you recognize me?" The cat retorted.

"Kuso! It talks, too!"

Just then the cat spun around and in the mindst of the mini whirlwind, it manifested into a boyish loking cutie with pale, red orange eyes and long, wavy purple hair which was curently tied up on a pony tail, a few stray strands lay about the sides, farming his face and hung over his eyes. He was wearing black pants, a burgany, long sleeved shirt with the top three buttons undone. A cocky grin was painted on his perfectly boyish face. Definitely Bishounen worthy.

"Seth...?" Nyx mouthed the word. Her eyes grew bright and she jumped in his arms. He embraced her tightly.

"Whoa!" he cried and held her tight. "Glad to see you, too."

She began to talk rapidly, as her facem half buried in his shoulder. Her arms squeezing him even tighter. "I missed you! Oh God you can't know what's been going on in my life! I told you I was weird, but weird! Man! You don't know just how weird!" She stopped and pulled away from him. "What are you doing masquerading around as a cat for crying out loud!?!"

Seth put her back down on the ground. He laughed. "I told you she would remember me," he addressed Millie, who was standing by the fountain watching them silently.

"Remember you? How could I forget...?" Then cognition hit her like a ton of bricks. She HAD forgotten Seth. She knew him, but didn't know why or where she knew him. "I get it..." She turned from them, rubbing the back of her head with her right palm. "But I don't."

"C' mon, Milton. Tell her, or should I?"

"I'll do the honors," said Millie, he morphed back into his human form.

Nyx's back was still to them.

"Before Tomo robbed you of your memories..." he began. "You are an Immortal--1200 years of age, and Methos was your teacher."

Nyx spun around slowly, seeing Milton for the first time as he truly is. She recognized him as the Garau Leader, Milton Zammeal. Her life was returning to her.

"Now do you understand?" Seth asked.

"Yes," she muttered. "No more interludes, I get it now. I understand, finally!"

Seth spoke up then. "I'll be taking over... ahem... Millie's place now." The Prince supressed a laugh. "He was merely my place holder. He has'duties' to perform here in the city. I, on the other hand, am in dire need of a vacation. So if you'll have me... I will be your Guardian."

Nyx looked at Milton and then at Seth. Tough choice. But Seth was a good friend of hers. She could trust him. Besides, Millie had other 'duties' to perform.

"Alright then," Nyx replied. "Thank you," she addressed Millie.

"I can't say it hasn't been fun," he half smiled.

"You may leave us, now." Comanded the Prince.

Milton bowed, turned and disappeared as he walked away.

Nyx wasn't even going to ask.

"You see everything around you? It's L.A. Nyx, well sort of. I won't go into detail about it now, I'm sure one of theo ther's will point it out to you." He placed his arm around her shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said stretching and giving out a little yawn. "It's a gorgeous day, what do you say we down to Huntington?"

For now, Nyx was content. It was what she needed. She would have to train more and more if she wanted to defeat the others. Could she truly rely on anyone? Was Seth even real? Was Millie? Was any of this, reality? Oh well, she shruged to herself. Real or not it would give her time to recooperate and gather up a strategy. She was sure Celly would come looking for her.

To be continued...