Celly and Nyx gradually made their way back to Special Ops. It was slow going, given the fact that Celly was limping.

"You know, you should really invest in some better footwear," Nyx commented.

"But they're my kick-ass boots! They totally go with the outfit!" Celly huffed. "It's all Mercy's fault anyway. I was too slow in dodging. I figured that after a couple of beatings she wouldn't attack." The cries... the begging... blood... blood on her hands... Celly shook her head and turned her attention back to Nyx.

"Well, a wounded animal always fights for its life. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. It's mostly superficial stuff anyway, like the shiner. And the cut isn't going to scar or anything."

"Don't you think you should take care of your fuku?" Nyx asked as the doors to Special Ops swung open. "The shredded look doesn't suit you. Besides, shredded fuku is too close to nakedness for my tastes."

Nyx and Celly laughed. Celly tugged on one of her bows, which promptly fell off. "I guess you're right. I'm coming all to pieces!" She waved her hands across her figure. "Make Up!" she giggled. Her new fuku materialized in a flash, spic and span, everything perfect. The henshin had even cleaned her up, removing all the unsightly bloodstains and scratches that had previously marked her skin. The only things out of place on Celly's person were her black eye and the cut across her forehead.

"Huh, I wish I could do that. Then I wouldn't have to worry about nuking my trenchcoat."

"You're never gonna let that go, are you? I gave you a new one." Celly's eyes landed on her chair, where a manila folder sat. Dropping the conversation she picked it up hurriedly and looked over the contents. Her eyebrows knitted in concentration. Damn... I knew I shouldn't have left the other files in my office. I need them all to plot this stuff out, she thought silently.

"What's with the expression?"

"Nani? Oh. Gomen. I just realized that I left some files at the Mori. I should visit anyway and make sure my employees aren't drinking all the profits. Wanna come?"

"Sure. I'm in serious need of liquid refreshment."

Celly nodded and pulled open a portal. The two girls jumped through and, in a matter of moments, appeared outside the Mori. Nyx headed straight for the bar while Celly hopped up the stairs to her offices. She searched through her files and drawers looking for the needed information.

"Shimatta... where did I put those things?" she asked herself.

*Yes, you are damned...* a voice whispered in her ear.

Celly spun around, but no one was in the room with her. "Dare da?" she asked. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

*All you need to do is look at yourself to see me.*

Celly looked down at her hands. They were covered in blood. "Na--nani?!? What's happening?!? What are you doing to me?!?" The room seemed to spin crazily... whirling... twirling... tilting...

*I'm not doing anything. You've done it all to yourself.*

Memories assaulted Celly's mind and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block the images. "Iie... iie... You're the one who did this... I won't let you..."

*That sounds familiar... You said that to me once before.*

Celly crumpled into a fetal position, weeping. "Onegai... onegai..." she sobbed. "I didn't want to do this! Why couldn't you leave me alone?"

*You were chosen. You must serve.*

"... yamete..." Celly sobbed, rocked by the tumult of images smashing into her. "... mo yamete... onegai..."

*I won't stop. I will not let you go.*

"... help me..." Celly whimpered. Her eyes saw nothing except for the visions and sights that rocked her mind. ".... taskute... onegai... onii-san... itoshii... taskute... onii-san... itoshii... onegai... yamete... leave me alone..."

*I will not let you go.*
