Meredith looked at Anaera. "I don't believe we've met."

Susanne stepped in. "Meredith, this is Anaera. Anaera, this is Meredith. She flew in from home for a visit." Then Susanne leaned over and whispered "and she's got a HammerSpace too..."

"Ah, another Otaku. I thought you looked familiar. Who's your Bishounen?"

"I think his name is Kieske, but I'm not quite sure who he is, or what this whole Otaku business is about. All I know is I've been having some wierd drams lately, and all of a sudden, my awake life is meshing with the dreams. But Sus, I'd still like to know where we are."

"Well, there's an easy question. This is George's house."

The look on Meredith's face told it all. "You mean I fianlly get to meet these people? Good grief, if they're half as nice as you say, this ought to be awesome!"

"What happened to Mercy?" Anaera had noticed the sleeping figure in Roger's arms.

"We're not sure, but you can bet it has something to do with Celly!" Susanne's expression darkened.

"Celly?" Meredith felt the prickles run down her spine at the mention of the name. Why? it was a new name to her, yet the feeling was familiar. She thought deep and hard about the name, but still couldn't place her finger on its origin.

"Woah. Look. Her aura's pink!" Anaera pointed out the faint glow that had appeared around Meredith, but the mention of it made Meredith look up and the glow disappeared as she lost her train of thought.

"Now look what you did. Thinking's hard enough for me you know. It's not nice to interrupt a blonde when she's thinking!" It was normal for Meredith to make fun of her airheadedness. Everyone laughed at the joke and went inside.