BW! FYRoger watched as Meredith ran into that big guy and Susanne tried to talk their way out of it. The man didn't really represent any real danger, so he stayed back and watched. Even if they ended up not fighting each other, they still needed to be able to fight Celly and Nyx. A little run-in with a creep might be good practice.

So Roger was a little surprised and slightly put off when that younger guy jumped in between the girls and the creep. He moved a little closer so he could hear what was being said... Guardian. That made sense. Yes, he knew the name Zeke. He was a Guardian. A little overzealous, of course, as was shown by this meeting, but then again, so was Meredith. That combination would work well.

Roger had left Friar Park right after the girls. Following them hadn't been his original intention, but when he had finished his errands, he had seen them walking along and decided to keep an eye on them. They were looking way too touristy.

So this made six Otakus and Guardians who were accounted for... although Roger was unsure of this Seth person. He'd have to look into that. He hoped that he didn't run into any other surprises along the way. Six Otakus was enough for him.

Meanwhile... Zeke and the girls had started to walk away. I hereby entrust them to you, Roger thought as he turned and headed back. I've got a few things I'd like to talk over with George.