Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit!!! Susanne swore a blue streak in her mind as she stepped into the airport. She was almost an hour late to pick Merideth up! She hoped she'd would stay at the arranged meeting place, otherwise it'd be nearly impossible to find her in this huge airport!

Surely, they would have to go back to the dorms first and drop off Merideth's stuff. There was no way they were going to haul that around. And she would have to call George from there. She hoped he was home. Maybe he'd have an idea of where that studio was...

Susanne felt awful. She couldn't believe that she had forgotten. Of course, with everything that had been happening lately... but for now, she just needed to find her friend!

There was the McDonald's... Susanne had known that it would be distinctive and easy enough to find, especially for an American! So she was at the meeting place... where was Merideth?

There! The tall blonde with three guys standing around her table. It figured.

"Merideth!" Susanne said, running up to her. "Gomen! Gomen nasai! Watashi--" she broke off as she looked around at the raised eyebrows of the guys. She shrugged. What did she care what they thought?

"Katy!!" Merideth said, fiercely hugging her friend.

"Air!" Susanne gasped out, and Merideth let go. "Katy?" she finally said. "I know you're blonde, but please! I'm still Susanne!"

Merideth felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. ... Susanne? She had come here to visit Katy, her friend from the real world, and had found Susanne, the girl from her dreams who looked a heck of a lot like Katy.

What the...?

No time to figure it out now! She laughed. "I can't believe I did that!" She turned to the guys. "It was nice meeting you!" They were laughing as they walked away.

"Do you ever go anywhere without picking up guys?"

"They started talking to me!"

"Let me guess... you walked through the airport smiling at everyone?"


"I rest my case. Oh, we'd better get going! Got all your stuff, I see... did you pack enough?"

"I'd have packed more, but I realized that if nothing of mine would work, I could borrow something of yours."

"And isn't it just your lucky day! I actually have a fair amount of clean laundry!"

It felt like ages since she had done her laundry, not just Friday morning. So much had happened... she hoped that nothing more would happen for awhile! How would she explain it?

And how the hell was she going to explain Roger?

And what if Rapath showed up? How--

Rapath. Susanne snuck a sideways glance at Merideth. They looked so alike... could Rapath be Merideth? But what kind of sense did that make? Well, regardless, it was going to be an interesting few days!