The driver was terrible. Roger was starting to worry less about finding Susanne and more about making it out of this cab alive.

"So, how long have you lived in England?" he asked, hoping to remind the driver that he had a passenger.

"All my life," he answered.

"All your life? You don't have an English accent..."

"Hey, I'm lucky to have a driver's lisence!"

That was just what Roger was thinking...

There, the bus stopped! He saw Susanne jump off. She hadn't been on very long...


The cab abruptly came to a halt. Roger tossed a twenty-pound note onto the front seat as he got out, calling back for the driver to keep the change. "Susanne!" he called, but it didn't look like she heard him. She was running pretty fast. Since when was she athletic? She ran into the tube station, and he followed, still some distance behind. It was quite crowded, so when she jumped onto the tube just before it closed its doors and left, all the could do was watch helplessly. And swear a blue streak. A man with many tattoos and piercings raised his eyebrows and stepped away.

Roger ignored the reaction he was getting and checked the schedule. It looked like Susanne was heading for Heathrow... of course, that might not be right, but for some reason, it felt right. It would be a few minutes before Roger could catch the next one out... but that would still be faster than going back and getting a cab. Besides, with his luck, he'd get that freaky Bouregard as a driver again.

Roger was the first one in when the train stopped. He waited impatiently as he rode to Heathrow. If she ran into Celly again... perish the thought. Of course, he had to admit that she could probably handle it alright. But... why was she going to Heathrow? Was she really going to skip the country? With her HammerSpace, it wasn't as if she'd be carrying any luggage.

Needless to say, he was almost relieved to see her talking with a blonde girl as they walked from the airport. The blonde girl had a few bags, but she looked familiar... was she also Otaku? If that was the case, why was Susanne so friendly with her? And had Susanne come her just to get her? Well, he'd find out.


Susanne felt the shock as she heard Roger calling her. How the hell had he found her? Had he been following her? Of course he had been... he was Roger. Her annoying, anal Guardian. She put a smile on her face.

"Roger! Funny meeting you here... Roger, I'd like you to meet my friend, Meredith. Meredith, this is my... uh, this is Roger."

"Nice to meet you," Meredith said, shaking Roger's hand.

"Likewise," Roger answered. Her friend, hm? Okay then. He wondered how much she knew. Probably not much, if Susanne neglected to mention his Guardian status. In that case, it was unlikely that she was Otaku. Now he *really* hoped they didn't run into Celly or Nyx. They hadn't seemed very merciful... they'd probably try to use Meredith to get to Susanne.

Meredith cast Susanne a sideways glance.

"I know, I know, I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do. You're right. Let's get going." She saw a cab coming and hailed it. It rolled up onto the sidewalk and the three of them jumped back to avoid being hit.

"Did you want me to stop, or what?"