Dionysus watched Celly as she slept. Her face was soft and gentle as she dreamt. It was at times like these that he would fondly recall the way his Ce-ko was before everything... before the madness... before the strangeness... when it was just the two of them.

He reached out a hand to brush a stray lock of midnight black hair away from her cheek. He smiled to himself as she smiled in her sleep, cuddling closer to him. Then his thoughts turned to less pleasant things. It had been days since his and Ce-ko's encounter with Susanne and Roger. Roger... the... the... kisama... Dionysus thought unhappily. He's just one hypocritical bastard. How dare he accuse me of falling from grace, when he's about to commit the same fault himself? Ce-ko curled around him more closely and she mumbled something in her sleep. Dionysus smiled slightly but frowned again. Ah, gods, Ce-ko... how can I keep going against you like this? You don't even know why I'm really here. It's been so nice for the last few days, it's almost like the old times. I'd give everything to stay here with you, but I have a job to do. But... but... His mind was tortured. Should I do the Moderator's work, like I'm supposed to, or should I stay here with you, Ce-ko?

Dionysus made the final decision.

He slipped out of Ce-ko's embrace and out of the bed. Quickly and quietly he dressed, keeping himself from looking back towards the bed lest his resolve falter. Finally, he moved through the shadows to drop a light kiss on his Ce-ko's lips.

"I'm sorry, Ce-ko... I'm sorry. Forgive me," he whispered.

Then he left Castle Anthrax in the cover of night. He had more Otakus to find.
