"No!" Roger called to the cabbie as he pulled the girls away. "Sorry 'bout that! We'll be leaving now!" The cabbie shrugged and pulled away.

"Dammit, Roger, what the hell are you doing??" Susanne said irritably, shooting dagger eyes at her Guardian.

"Trust me, you don't want that cab," he said tiredly.

"You know how hard it is to get a cab!"

"We'll take the tube!"

"What about her stuff?!?" Susanne's voice had risen a few decibels, and people were starting to glance their way as they walked by.

Roger put a hand on her shoulder and leaned close. "Hello?" he whispered. "HammerSpace?"

Susanne flushed a little, realizing that she'd made a scene for nothing.

Roger chuckled, and the two of them picked up Meredith's bags to chuck them in Susanne's HammerSpace.

"Hold it," Meredith said. She took the bags from them and dropped them into her own HammerSpace. "I didn't even check them at the airport," she said.

"But... wha... I... you..." Susanne and Roger stammered.

"Well?" Meredith said. "Aren't you going to show me around your little college town?