Hi! This Kathryn, and this is my new Final Fantasy VII page ... In the spirit of others, (and I thank you) I've "hired" (read shanghaied) a character to introduce my page. Seph?
I cannot belive I am doing this. And don't call me Seph.
But you are, Sephiroth. Now start talking, or I'll never write another fic about you again. And I know you like when I write about you.
Yes. I do. <Yellow Glow> And you will write more stories about me.
Put that away. <Snatches Manipulate Materia>
All right. Yes, you have reached Kathryn's Final Fantasy VII page. I suggest you visit her fanfiction page, as well as viewing the rest of the information on this page. Also, she has <cough> requested <cough> that I plug her other, "real" page.
Well done.
Last Update: December 5, 1999
You Know You Play Too Much FFVII When
You are FFVII addict # to visit my page since May
10, 1999
This page and all associated pages copyright 1999 by me, Kathryn.