Gundam Wing Review by J.L.Roberts ---------------------- This is my third favorite anime. And I assure you it has NOTHING to do with the fact that the five main characters (and a couple of the baddies) are H-O-T. Well....maybe just a little? This is an alternate reality Gundam realm. For those who don't know what Gundams are...where have you BEEN?? The quick version is "Giant Robot That's Damn Near Indestructible." Got it? Good. Let's continue... The world is on the brink of war...perfect time for someone to snatch it all up, ne? Enter the OZ corporation/organization, which does just that. But five young (and incredibly cute!) young men sent to Earth from its own orbiting space colonies are determined to stand in OZ's way. They're all a bit mysterious...who ARE these boys? Why are they doing this?? And how can they kick so much butt, in and out of those major mecha?? Mecha. That sums it up. Big robots kickin' bad-guy rear end. But there's a lot of character focus as well. There has to be, when you don't know who half the characters REALLY are. And I will admit, this show has an O.P.S.: Obnoxiously Perfect Shojo. Like Miaka or Usagi. Even though she has obvious faults, the main male character is destined to protect her. The one in this show is Relena. I'd rather have Miaka...*sigh* Anyway, it rocks rocks rocks and you should all see it, especially if you like bishonen (cute guys). Heero...Duo...Trowa...Quatre...Wufei...I'll stop drooling now... LANGUAGE, VIOLENCE - 16 and up