BROTHER, DEAR BROTHER (ONIISAMA E...) Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- I can't stand this show. Period. End of sentence. Don't ask me why. Okay, well, you could ask me why, but it'd take too long to go into. The shorthand is that it's boring, way too melodramatic and....I'm just not into Shojo, and this is EXTREME SHOJO. This is the story of Nanako, a girl who's just getting into a private high school. Before she enters the school, though, she asks her cram school teacher to be her "brother." She's never had a real brother, and she wants him to be her brother so she can write letters to him to sort of get out her feelings on paper. He agrees. So off she goes to high school, where she winds up in this waaaaay twisted sorority (yes, they have them at the private high school level...don't ask me, I think the college ones are bad enough). Things just get out of hand after that. Like I said, I personally can't stand all the angst. I had a bad enough time with my OWN experiences in regular, American, public high school. Nanako has it about three times worse (at least it seems that way....maybe that's my own suffering at watching it). This IS an anime that isn't terribly violent, although it has its moments. There's no nudity. There's not much plot (in my, uh, rather biased opinion)!! Just angst and melodrama, although there are occasional moments of comedy. Thank goodness. ANGST - 15/16