PHANTOM QUEST CORP (YUUGEN KAISHA) Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- Only 4 episodes? PLEASE MAKE MORE??? *tries to look too cute to disappoint* This series is sooooo much fun...what there is of it. They really only made 4 EPISODES!!! I WANT A RED-DRAGON SPIRIT CAPTURE STAR SWORD!!! Luke Skywalker meets Cover Girl!! *giggles* You'll understand when you see the series. Ayaka Kisaragi comes from a long line of phantasm/monster exterminators. So it surprises no one that, being the modern girl that she is, she sets up a business in Shinjuku (where else?). Phantom Quest Corporation believes in no job too small, no paycheck too big (they are perpetually in debt, mostly due to Ayaka's love of karaoke bars, endless amounts of sake, and designer clothing and jewelry). This thing is like X-Files, except it doesn't take itself anywhere near that seriously....magical/swordfighting type violence...ALMOST nudity...language, especially when Ayaka's being woken up in the morning. I'd say 17 and up, just to really really get a kick out of it. ^_^ VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE, ALMOST NUDITY - 17 and up