RUIN EXPLORERS (FAM TO IHRIE) Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- Only 4 episodes? Awwww c'mon you can't do this to me!! Just when I really started liking the characters.....*sighs* Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!! *giggles* I love Fam and Ihrie...and Lyle....*drooooool* Fam and Ihrie are ruin explorers (thus A.D.Vision's name for the show) who are in search of The Ultimate Power. Who knows what it really is, except that it's powerful as all-get-out. The only problem is that they aren't the only ones after this...whatever it is. dynamic.....I do so love good and unusual group dynamic!! Fam, Ihrie, Lyle (*drool*), Rahja, Miguel, and....the merchant....and his dog...what were their names??? Goooood dynamic. Of course, lots of magical/swordfighting type violence, but no real nudity. Scantily clad sometimes, yes, but it's not really bad, and in this sort of fantasy setting, you can forgive a lot. Language? Um....let me try to remember...I can't think of anything too bad, so I'll go ahead and make this 12 or so on up, but you might want to watch it first before showing it to the kids. Just in case... VIOLENCE - 12 and up