RONIN WARRIORS (YOROIDEN SAMURAI TROOPERS) Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- Ronin Warriors is the rather unfortunate dub of the show Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. This cool show suffered the same fate as Sailor Moon, for exactly the same reason: American Television. *sighs* Of course, I guess having it dubbed and edited and whatnot is preferable to not having it at all. This is the story of five young (14/15) boys, Ryo, Sai, Kento, Rowen, and Sage, who wield mystical armor and use it to kick Interdimensional Bad Guy butt. But nothing is ever this easy, especially in Anime...because how much control do these boys really have over their armors?? Is it possible that the bad guy can really control the armors, and therefore, our heroes?? The animation isn't anything to write home about at first, but as the series picked up in popularity, the style improved dramatically. There were 2 TV seasons and 3 OVAs of this show. Unfortunately, all of that is rather hard to track down. Don't look for this in your local anime store. You won't find it. It was released on American TV, so once it wasn't popular any more, it disappeared. I do hear it's being re-released in some states (Michigan, for one), but other than that, this is unfortunately hard to find. However, it's a good series for anyone to watch, as you could guess, since they put it on TV here. VIOLENCE - 6/7 and up.