SAILOR MOON Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- Okay, okay, I'll admit I used to be hardcore Sailor Moon otaku, back before I even knew what otaku meant (superfan/ fanatic). This is the show that got me INTO anime, so I still feel some slight allegiance to it even though my love for it is fading now as I get older. Usagi Tsukino is your typical junior high student: she sleeps too much, eats too much, doesn't study get the idea. Then she's told that she's Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice. But she's not the only one...the other Sailor Scouts eventually emerge to help her fight the evil Negaverse (sort of an evil parallel universe). This was yet another one dubbed and edited for American TV. *sighs* Usagi is Serena in the dub; you may have seen it. It gets a lot better later on in the series, but you won't see that on American TV, although the latest buzz I have on that is that the rest of the series may be released on tape in the States soon enough. *hope hope hope* For the overall series I'd say 14/15, around in there; for what they show on TV, uh, 9 and up is okay. Magical type violence but that's about it. SLIGHT VIOLENCE - 9 and up for TV/ 14-15 for entire series