THE SLAYERS (T.V. series) Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- MY FAVORITE ANIME!!!!!! I am HARDCORE SLAYERS OTAKU!! It's Dungeons and Dragons with a wild sense of humor. This show does NOT take itself at all seriously, which isn't to say that there aren't serious moments. Just not too many of them. Lina Inverse is a 15 year old sorceress with an ego the size of the Roman Empire, an appetite the size of Russia, and a bust the size of... oh, say, Rhode Island when compared to the Roman Empire. She's perceptive, intelligent, and incredibly powerful, so it's best to stay on her good side. She likes to go around and blow bandits up then steal the treasure they stole in the first place. Her companion, Gourry Gabriev is blonde haired, blue eyed, tall, an ace with a sword but he ain't much on long-term memory or, really, any thinking skills at all. Sound stock? Well, he kinda is. You watch the show for Lina anyway ^_^ *bows and worships Lina* Okay, so I'm a little biased here. But, trying to remain objective, this is a very silly little show that occasionally surprises you with some real depth. It's high comedy, with lots of magical/sword-swinging violence. Not much nudity and we don't see anything anyway, no language problems....but I still wouldn't recommend it for anyone above the age of 13 or so. There are some adult jokes (like "that time of the month") and most younger kids wouldn't enjoy it much beyond the slapstick comedy. There IS more to Slayers than that....but you have to really look for it sometimes... So basically, to really appreciate this show, you need to be a bit older, but it is okay for younger viewers to watch. VIOLENCE - okay for 9 and up; better for 13 and up though.