WICKED CITY Review by J.L.Roberts ------------------------- Hentai Alert! A fairly decent plot ruined with waaaaaaay too much gratuitous sex. Lots of graphic violence as well, but I don't complain about that as much. I do like the scene at the end where Makie (sp? it's pronounced "mah-key-ay (ay as in yay)") kicks butt after the guys were just making it worse. *giggles* You go girl! Taki Rensuburo appears to be your normal playboy. Except he's also a Black Guard, one of an elite group who protects our world from the Black World, a sort of spirit world where shapechangers live. For as long as anyone can remember, a sort of non-aggression pact between our world and the Black World has existed. But there are Black World rebels who don't want that peace to continue. Now that that treaty is up for renewal, they're doing everything in their power to keep Taki and Makie (a Black Guard from the Black World) from doing their duty for peace. I say again, HENTAI ALERT. There is a lot of sex and violence in this flick. Nudity, language, you name it. DO NOT LET ANY KIDS WITHIN A TEN MILE RADIUS OF THIS FILM. That having been said, if you can overlook the waaaay too prevalent and often disturbing sexual situations, the plot isn't too bad. It's buried under blood and other bodily fluids, but it's there. The animation is excellent. Also sadly, this is a Streamline pic. I've only ever seen the dub; I don't think a subtitled version exists. SEX, VIOLENCE, NUDITY, LANGUAGE - ADULTS ONLY