Little Rei: Origin part 1- by Chibi Rei "watashi..." the bright light shone down in her eyes, blinding her. her mind managed to piece words together, but unable to speak them "watashi wa.....". "this one is useless, dispose of it" the silhouetted figure said gruffly. "eh? nani? anata desu? 'dissposu'? nani? wakarimasen!" "send it to the incinerator with the others" she sensed something moving her. a thunk, followed by a whirring sound. "IIE!! matu! shimasen!" The movement continues away from the bright light, and her eyes slowly begin to adjust, the slow drifting of a cart filled with tepid, fleshy masses, moved on a conveyor belt. She struggles, pulling her short legs free of the heavy objects around her, and pulling at the edge of the cart until she flips over the edge and out, with a soft thump, unnoticed by the automated cart or any person, the small creature scampers off. ----- "Shinji-kun, move it! you're going to be late for school." Misato yelled at Shinji in the shower from the kitchen. "and your toast is getting cold!" "...." Shinji thought a few dark thoughts Misato's direction, then got out of the shower, drying off and pulling a towel around himself. Stepping out of the bathroom, Shinji screamed. "AAHH!!! Mi-mi-mi-Misato-san!" Misato ran into the all, to see Shinji clinging behind the door, staring at a two foot tall, large-headed little girl, with big red eyes and blue-white hair, a tiny plug suit making this malformed Rei complete. "HELP!!!" Misato struggled not to burst into laughter, the small Rei just staring up at Shinji, blinking occasionally. "Shinji, it's just Rei!... sort of." Misato walked to the little creature. "Hello there. do you know me?" "Katsuragi..." the creature murmured, black red eyes staring emptily. "anata wa Katsuragi-san desu." Misato ruffled the little Rei's hair. "Smart little thing, isn't she?" she smiled. "do you know who you are?" the small Rei looked around. "Watashi.... watashi wa......" Misato glared. "Shinji, come out of hiding and get dressed. we have some looking to do." Shinji climbs out of hiding and went into his room. "come on, little one." She picks up the demimorph eva pilot, with only slight protest from the infant. "I should find out what you're doing here." "hai..." ----- Shinji arrived to school, ready for another day of the same lesson. Toji and Kensuke sat down near him. Rei was in the back of the class, an arm still in a cast from slight injuries the battle with the most recent angel. Asuka settled into her usual chair, looking a bit more surly than usual today. Shinji, however, was still very creeped out by the small thing standing outside the bathroom that morning. the teacher began to drone "The third impact was caused by---" "Psst! Shinji! what's with you?" Toji whispered. "you're being even more bizarre than usual today" "ahh, it's nothing. but I think Rei has a kid sister..." "what?" Kensuke choked, amazed at the concept "Rei has a kid sister?!?" Shinji explained. "like a toddler. kinda freakish. big head, stubby arms and legs, huge eyes. really creepy looking." "weird is right..." Toji mutters, and he and Kensuke nodded. "the exact cause of what drew the asteroid to the south pole is a mystery, and must be learned to prevent a third impact..." ----- Misato slammed her hands down on the table. "Ritsuko, I know you know something about this." she gestured emphatically at the little Rei. "tell me where this thing came from!" the little Rei blinked, sat down, and begin scribbling in crayon the silhouetted figure she remembered looking at her before. "well I'm not sure Misato. maybe Rei has a baby sister..." Ritsuko was lying, and not very well. perhaps deliberately. "well just give the kid here, and I'll make sure she's taken care of." Little Rei ran and hid behind Misato's legs. "Ritsuko, some how I think I should hold on to her for a while." "Misato" Ritsuko looks at her coldly. "I really should take care of her." Misato sighs, picks up the child and handing her to Ritsuko, the blue-haired child struggles, whining. "iie!" suddenly, a shock hits both of them, and they drop the child, who dashes off. "what the..." Maya blips on the intercom. "we just detected an AT field in your office! what happened?!" "I'm not sure..." Misato murmured. Ritsuko walked out briskly. "I need to make a phone call..." END PART 1