Mezurashii Ryokuen

Name: Sailor Orion
Alias: Mezurashii Ryokuen (rare evening haze)
Gender: female
Age: 17
Birthday: May 18
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Eye Color: emerald green
Hair Color: coal black
Height: 5'8"Likes: books, music, guys
Dislikes: bullies, insects
Hobbies: reading, playing cello, daydreaming about her future love
Special Strengths: healing
Has Trouble With: snobs
Favorite Color: silver
Favorite Gemstone: diamond
Favorite Food: ice cream
Least Favorite Food: none
Goal in Life: to be a professional cellist

ORION STAR....PUNCTURE! - her hands will come together and form blades between them as her tiara jewel glows; she'll throw the blades in a similar fashion to Jupiter's ZAP attack.

ORION BLACK HOLE....DRAIN! - her tiara will come off in her hand and spin while gathering black energy from the air around her; she will throw this energy,which is spinning like a black hole, at the enemy after taking four running steps and doing a spin/jump; the attack drains energy from the enemy and transfers it to herself and allies.

ORION STARDUST....HEAL! - multi-colored dust will erupt from her tiara jewel after she whispers these words; it will heal major wounds and restore energy.

Weakness: seeing a loved one in danger of any king; will basically render her thinking dead; she will do anything to free a loved one.

Appearance: black hair is waist-length; emerald green eyes; slender; 5'8"; 110lbs; physically strong; long eyelashes; pale skinned; high cheekbones; usually seen wearing a long lavender skirt and a white blouse; fuku-silver skirt and back bow; lavender collar and front bow; emerald brooch with the symbol of Orion (a slanting line with a circle on each end) inside it; lavender chocker with the Orion symbol in silver; back bows has long ends; silver ankle-heighth boots with lavender lacings; golden tiara with a diamond dewdrop jewel hanging down in between her eyes.

History: She was a princess of her own planet during the Silver Millennium. Her brother, Jason, turned to the Negaverse and tried to kill her. She managed to escape to the Silver Millennium. She helped defend the moon against the Negaverse there. She was killed by her brother.
She was reborn in Japan as Ryokuen Mezurashii during the last days of Neo-Queen Serenity's rule. Ryokuen was raised until she was 17 when she ate a kind of poisonious food. She became very seriously ill and almost died. But for some reason, her body healed itself and lived on. It soon became apparant that Ryokuen had the ability to heal people and that she wasn't aging. She turned back into Sailor Orion after the call for help from Pluto.

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