
Guardians of the Millenium: Destined Love
It all starts when Amy's old friend Greg draws a picture of the four scouts with their old enemies--the Generals of the Negaverse! This story follows the scouts in the present and the past as they try to understand their relationships to these men.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8


Guardians of the Millenium: Into the Fire
This follows DFL; and explores what happens when a revived Jaedite moves into Raye's temple, just as Raye decides she's in love with Chad. And just as Chad decides he's marrying someone else! If that's not complicated enough, a mysterious villian seems determined to hurt Chad's fiance--forcing Raye to save her rival!

Part 1 | Parts 2 & 3 | Parts 4 to 6 | Part 7


Guardians of the Millenium: Storm of the Stars
After years of talking about him, Lita finally runs into her old boyfriend! That is, her silver-millenium "old" boyfriend, Neflite. Things don't run *so* smoothly for them, as the mysterious villian returns to roughen things up.

Parts 1 to 3 | Parts 4 & 5 | Parts 6 & 7 | Part 8

Guardians of the Millenium: Pyramids of Ice
Sensing a pattern here? This is Amy's tale. Finally, we learn what the mysterious villian--the BOSS--wants with the Sailor Scouts. Can they defeat him and keep him from stealing their power?

Parts 1 & 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6


Guardians of the Millenium: Chain of Hearts
While Mina has problems getting a date, other women are dumping theirs, in order to join the "Sisters of the Millenium" club. Is there an evil purpose behind this club? An old friend of Mina's asks her to find out, especially *because* they claim Sailor V is a member! Not that they bothered to ask Mina!

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4


Guardians of the Millenium: Bridges of Time
Ok...I'm maybe twisting the pattern in a new way here...but if old enemies become new allies... then why not go with it? ..Unrequited love doesn't really seem fair, does it? Yet Pluto loves Endymion, and Diamond loved Neo-Queen Serenity...could anything break this pattern and move them beyond destiny, and to each other? And if it does, will time itself be destroyed to do it?

Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

Guardians of the Millenium: Ribbons of Time
Sometimes, the only way to restore the time line, is to make a new one.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5


Alina's Page

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Generals Love © 1999-2001 Lady Mars
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