There are countless shrines of the senshi, and there are also the few shrines here and there that dabble with the characters of the generals (mostly the evil side). Generals Love does a little bit of both. The following mini-shrines are dedicated to the fictional fairy tale of the four doomed lovers.

Ami and Zoisite

Makoto and Nephrite

Rei and Jadeite

Minako and Kunzite

*These shrines are derived from my own speculations and thoughts and should not be used as any strong foundational basis for your own fiction.
**Mini-shrines to be done someday, I promise!. ^_-






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Sailormoon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation, DiC & Bandai.
Generals Love is © 1999-2001 Lady Mars. Please read the Fine Print.