Hino Rei


Moonlight Love: The Arrival
A short story of the arrival of the Royal Earth Family and the generals, and how they and the senshi meet.

Moonlight Love: The Arrival


Moonlight Love: The Flame In Her Heart
The story of Lady Mars and Lord Jaedite, along with Mars'journal entries and thoughts and her personal life.

Part One | Part Two through Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six


Love, Passion, Rapture, Devotion
Cleopatra had it all. Egypt, The Nile, and the hearts of Caesar and Marc Antony. Inspired by the TV mini-series, I envisioned Cleopatra as none other than Lady Rei. Relive a classic tale with Rei and witness her conquer the hearts of both Endymion and Lord Jadeite.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part 5


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Generals Love © 1999-2001 Lady Mars
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