Kim Nguyen

Burning Love
Raye and Jadeite formed a life-long friendship when they were mere tots. Then they had to part and grow up, and years later, they finally meet again. Is just being friends enough?

Prologue: Old Times
Chapter One: A Reunion
Chapter Two: The Grand Ball
Chapter Three: Bad News
Chapter Four: Shockwave

The companion piece to Burning Love. The end of the Silver Millenium has come. The scouts must now face their worst nightmare.

Chapter One: Prelude to a War
Chapter Two: In the Face of War...
Chapter Three: True Confessions
Chapter Four: Showdown
Epilogue: The End and Maybe The Beginning

There's Always Rain Before A Rainbow
The four inner senshi sacrificed their lives, fully expecting to never return to the living realm. But the arrival of someone unexpected changes the impossible to very possible.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Epilogue | Read Me

Twice Upon A Time
It is said that fairy tales and happily ever afters only happen once upon a time. What if I said they could happen twice?

Chapter One | Chapter Two
Read Me

The House
After perhaps their bloodiest battle, the remaining four are sent to a myserious, yet beautiful house in the middle of nowhere. Questions are raised, and when all is answered, Minako learns more than she can handle.

Prologue | Part 1


Kim's Fanfics

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