Lady Rainbow

Read Me

Ripples of Ice
Crystal Tokyo is the bustling hub of the Galaxy. Ami rules Mercury, and it seems her life is complete-- or is it? Zoisite is back, but is he good? Or is it an act, masking something more?

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2

Burning Flames
Rei learns that Zoisite is back, and as she ponders what this means, her old love Jadeite, return to life. What does this mean?

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2

An Oak's Thunder Crash
Mako has a wonderful life in the 30th Century. All her hopes and dreams but one have come true. Then, unexpectedly, Zoisite and Jadeite return. Now, it's Mako's turn for happiness. Yet, is this a ruse, or are the Generals back for real?

Chapter 1

Chains of Love
Minako is the goddess of love in the 30th Century. But, what's a goddess of love without love? The last of the Generals to arrive back, is her true love. Something evil is brewing in the background. Can the Senshi catch it before something truly bad happens?

Chapter 1

Fighting Sky, Churning Ocean, Eternal Time, and Firefly of Death
The Outers see the return of the Generals as an omen. Are they right, or is this just the way things were meant to be? Can the Senshi discover the truth in time, and not destroy the happiness of the Inner Senshi?

Chapter 1


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Generals Love © 1999-2001 Lady Mars
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