These are stories that I adore to no end but aren't on my site because a) I haven't been able to contact the author, or b) they are hentai material. I don't want you guys to miss out on some great stuff, though, so, in no particular order, here are a few more stories to fill you appetite. (Most of these fics can be found @ A Sailormoon Romance.)
Guarding Heart by, Crystal Heart
Crystal Heart's Writing Page
Set in the Silver Millenium, Crystal Heart, with her beyond excellent imagination, spins a tale of romance and betrayal. She takes a very interesting twist with our favorite fairy tale where Raye is princess of Earth and Mina is the Moon princess! Read to find out what's going on.
Duty, Choices by, Monica Shin
Monica's Homepage
A vigennete from one of the senshi's point of view. This beautifully written piece sets the stage for possiblities and hope for the future.
Fire on a Rampant Rise by, Lady M. Harris (Hentai)
Lady M. Harris's SM Phan Fiction Archive
A Jadeite and Rei romance. Though it's only one part so far, it's superb writing and an interesting plot.
Chains of Love by, Laura Smith (Hentai)
Equal Romance
This is a sintilating piece about Minako and Kunzite. I never lost interest one second while reading this. I don't want to give too much away, but here's a teaser to ruffle your interest: If Minako loves Kunzite, why does she desire Endymion?
...more to come if I ever have time to surf again.
...also, perhaps a few Usagi/Mamoru selections? *L*
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Sailormoon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation, Bandai & DiC.
Generals Love is © 1999-2001 Lady Mars. Read the Fine Print.