one of the reasons I (we) love the anime: hilarious pictures! What *is* with all the fuss? For awhile, I thought I was the only one obsessed with fanfic about the Generals and the Senshi (which is why this site exists in the first place) but ever since Generals Love aired on the internet, there have been a lot of interest. I get email every week about how much people love this site and its concept. (Arigato minna!!) So my question is, why is it such a hit?

The following are some of the theories that I've received from the wonderful visitors of this site. I would have liked to have posted all of the excellent emails I read, but because many did reply, the responses were becoming repititive. I tried to be fairest and pick out the most original and clear ideas. *L*

The Favorite Couple Poll is still ongoing!!

Now then, we all know how loyal the Senshi are. The Inners are closest to the Princess in that they are her best friends, seeing her day after day and never losing their hope when she is around. Everything is dedicated to her, from Makoto's strength, Ami's quiet patience, Rei's psychic ability to protect her, Minako's "care" (^_~ Might be care...help is more like the word) for her no matter what. It's obvious that the Princess comes first for them. Though they still have their wonderful attitudes which stand them apart, they are true Senshi. Now then, how much time could they have given back in the Silver Millennium to the Generals if all they worried about was their Princess' welfare? It's amazing; this love broke through their dedication and stubborness to protect the Moon Princess. That's love! You could even say that the Senshi know that the people on Earth aren't theirs, which would mean that there was a deep loyalty to their loves as well. Even if the Generals seemed to have switched sides, for some reason, their hearts wander even if they are given a chance for love. (Like Ami and Ryo or Minako and Alan, or Rei and Yuuchiru[sp? ~_~ I can't believe I forgot how to spell his name] or Makoto and her best friend.) That’s true love. They may not have remembered, but something made them keep away. Maybe even Destiny keeps them and their potential lover apart. Which means that we have four more eternal couples about, just less in the spotlight.
           -Lady Heartfire

I happen to believe that the romances between the Senshi and the Generals is the truth. I know that sounds strange, allow me to explain. The whole legend of the Fall of the Moon Kingdom, the rebirth of the Princess and her Senshi, and then the rise of Crystal Tokyo, have spawned hundreds, if not thousands, of stories all across the web. Which one is more the truth, the original idea that Naoko-sama came up with? Well there is no way to say that any one story is the truth. That would be wrong, because Naoko didn't write any of them. So I came up with my own personal version of the truth. I'm sure everyone has their own idea of the perfect explaination for everything that happened in the anime, manga, etc. Hey I even think the live action musicals hold a strong sway on the truth that is the Sailor Moon Universe ( I mean come, in one of the later musicals, Mercury and Zoicite supposedly fell in love and sang a duet together! ).
           -Rain Ayo

I think that these pairings are so popular is because their love is like Serenity's and Endymion's love. A love that is so special and strong that it will last through anything and will never die.

I would guess (moreso as it's my reason) that the loss of the Japanese series, coupled with the return of the NA Sailor Moon series, plus the (much-better) manga is what did this. Muse on it as you will. In the anime, we NA'ers not only were subjected to the loss of any credible general relationships (I mean, c'mon; Naru is sweet, but she's *annoying*, moreso then our erstwhile odango'ed heroine, and wayy too young for Nephrite), plus the disgusting gender-bender of Zoycite. Then the NA series disappears, timing itself rather well with the sudden flux of Moonies to the 'net, where the original series was more available.

It's popular because we're all tired of hearing the same Usagi and Mamoru story.
           -Eternal Sailor Mars

i think that the reason that it is so popular is that its not anywhere in the anime or manga (i think. never actually read the magna, but from what ive heard its not. could be wrong though.) since there's not a set meeting, or dating, or any story at all to begin with, no one can say "no, that can't happen because this does...". makes it a whole lot easier to write stories without rigid guidelines too. also, it just seems too perfect. i mean the princess has four guards...the prince has four guards...prince and princess fall in love...perfect pairing left for everyone else...it just had to happen!
           -Wicked Lady

Another facet is that the senshi are nice girls, whereas the generals are bad guys (or some semblance thereof after being spellbound by Beryl). Now what is more appealing than the opportunity to a) have a nice girl reform a bad guy, or b) have a playful guy relax an uptight girl? (Think Rei and Jaedite.) Besides, Takeuchi-san's artwork is splendid. All four of the generals are incredibly handsome. All four of the inner senshi are breathtakingly beautiful. How can one help but match them up? They're perfect foils for one another.
           - Ilsevet Waterborn

I think the reason the love between the Senshi and the Generals is so popular is because throughout the manga and anime alike there seems to be a sort of despair with the inner senshi and their lovelives. People who decide that one of their favorite Senshi is one of the inners also decide that their Senshi needs a boyfriend, and thus, when they realize that there may have once been a true love for them at one time, begin to obsess over it.
           -Sailor Mau

Every site has a cheesy poll, so of course, I had to have one too! *L*

These are the results as of May 29, 2000.
Who is your favorite senshi/general couple?

Kunzite & Venus 39
Zoicite & Mercury 30
Nephrite & Jupiter 42
Jadeite & Mars 43

You can still vote if you haven't yet!

Speculations is brought about by a dear visitor who presented this idea to me. Arigato Jess! ^_-

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Sailormoon is © Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation, Bandai & DiC.
Generals Love is © 1999-2001 Lady Mars. Read the Fine Print.

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