35 Millimeters by Lady Aishiteru Epilogue - What Words Cannot Say Lady A: Instead of my usual goofy "disclaimer," (I figure you all know I don't own Sailor Moon anyways.), I thought I would write a brief author's note. Okay, stop groaning. This will be painless, I swear it. ^_^ I've gotten mostly positive responses to "35 Millimeters," which I am very pleased with. I'm mainly happy that people responded at all, and that nobody said it stank. It's very hard to write Ami's personality, since I am used to writing Usagi/Mamoru fics. I hope I didn't turn her into Usagi...I think that Ami has a charm that few people take notice of. After reading through the whole story, I realized I left a few loose ends. What better way to tie them up than with an epilogue? Well, I guess that's about all I have to say here. On with the fic! The wedding rehearsal dinner was going very smoothly. Even Rei was on her best behavior; I hadn't heard her insult anyone for the past five minutes. That could have had something to with the fact that Jaedite was with her, and they had finally gotten to the hand-holding stage. Not that Rei was turning into a romantic, I don't think that even her admitting that she is in love with the man had changed that. 'However,' I thought as I noticed her staring into his eyes, 'Maybe even Rei can change.' "What are you thinking about, Ami?" Zoisite whispered. He had been sitting next to me the whole time with a bored look on his face, twirling a strand of hair with one hand and holding my hand with his other. Occasionally, his hand would graze up my leg, but I never let him get past my knee before I would pinch the space between his thumb and forefinger sharply. At this, he would grimace, and people would stare, but then he'd flash his pearly whites and things would proceed smoothly once again. "I was just thinking about how happy Rei looks with Jaedite," I said, squeezing his hand. "Love can do that to a person," he whispered softly. I looked at him, a bit shocked. "Why, Zoisite, am I turning you into a sentimentalist?" "I just think about those things more when you're around," he said, squeezing my hand back. I giggled at him and the "ceremony" continued. Well, until I heard a shrill yell from across the long banquet table in Mamoru's mansion. "My...water just broke!" wailed Usagi. Everyone bustled around her, but Mamoru shooed them away. "Calm down, everyone," he said, but I could tell he was panicking, "We just need to get her to a hospital." "Is there anything we can do for her?" asked Makoto, on the arm of Nephrite. "Yes. GET OUT OF THE WAY!" The crowd moved back further at the normally placid Mamoru's frantic tone of voice. "Sorry. Well, I have to be going now. Um...just pretend like we're still here," he said, taking his panting wife in his arms and rushing out the door. "Nonsense," said Kunzite, who was normally somewhat reserved, but had chosen this moment to put his foot down. "I'm going with him. "I second that," said Jaedite. Everyone looked at Zoisite, as if his response would dictate the outcome of the blessed event. "Ami, they might need you there too," he said gently, but not so soft that the others couldn't hear him. "Are you sure? I'm not an obstetrician..." I said, wanting to be with my friends, but not wanting to upset my groom-to-be either. "Positive," he said. "She needs you as a friend, not as a doctor. I'll bring the car around." And with that, it seemed as if the frozen room had come back into motion, as those who were driving scrambled for their car keys, except me, who was surprised once again by Zoisite. ******** As soon as I got into the delivery room, I rushed to the bed to hold my friend's hand. "How are you holding up?" "I've been better," she said, sending me a wobbly grin. "Maybe you should get an epidural." "Actually, that's a good idea," she said. "Thanks, Ames." I smiled. "No problem." "Are you sure you're not...upset with me?" she asked hestantly. "Why would I be mad at you?" "Well, I did upstage your wedding rehearsal." "Pfft. Zoisite was getting bored anyways." "I know," she said, grinning knowingly. "I heard that," said a voice from the waiting room. I stayed with Usagi during the whole labor, me holding one hand and Mamoru holding the other. I felt like a fifth wheel at first, but after a while, I saw that Zoisite was right. Usagi and I had a bond that was unique, even among the rest of the girls. I felt so lucky to be her friend; she was the first person to see more than a brain in me. Although she relied on my intellect all throughout the years in middle and high school, our friendship was more than that. We brought out the best in each other; I helped her to discover her own intellect and she helped me to come out of my shell. After what seemed like days, I heard Usagi breating heavily, and myself and Mamoru urging her to push. After several rounds, her efforts were rewarded, and the doctor handed the baby over to an exhausted Usagi. "Congratulations, it's a girl," said the doctor. She looked at Mamoru and said, "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" He nodded, and after the girl was all cleaned up, she was handed back to her mother. "She looks just like a little version of you," said Mamoru. "She even has your eyes." Usagi looked down at her daughter, whose gaze instinctively seeked love and nourishment. "She does. I think I'll call her Chibi-Usa." Mamoru looked at his wife, now the mother of his baby, adoringly. "How about we try for twins next time?" She glared at him. "Ohhhh no, you're NOT getting me to do THIS again." "Wanna bet?" Having nothing to throw at her husband, she simply glared at him. ******** The sunlight crept up on my face, and I groaned. "Morning already?" "I'm afraid so," said Zoisite, sighing. He made a move to get up, but was pinned down by my arm. "And where do you think YOU'RE going, mister?" "I'm running a bath," he said, pretending to look upset as I released him. "I'm all sweaty." I must have looked equally damp. It was the morning after our wedding, and we were both thoroughly exhausted. The details of last night were somewhat hazy, but I did remember that it had been truly wonderful, and well worth the wait. "Oh," I said, pouting. I sat up and let the sheet slide a bit from my shoulders. "Of course, if you want to come with me...." he trailed off, grinning fiendishly. "Gee, I thought you had seen enough of me," I said, standing up and allowing the sheet to fall to the floor. He gulped a bit. "Never." He grabbed a towel and snapped it, causing me to yelp. "You'll pay for that," I said. "Is that a promise?" "Ooooh!" And the chase was on. It ended with him picking me up, carrying me off and plopping me into the bathtub. "I think you need to cool off," he said, grinning. "Off to the showers with you, young lady." As he slid in behind me, I said, "That's not helping." "I know," he said, and proceeded to gently scrub my back. I relaxed into his arms and looked into his eyes, as the bubbles faded and the water ran cold, happy that I didn't have anything to hide from him, or him from me. ******** After our honeymoon, I sold the photo shop to Michiru and Hakura, who promised me that they would take good care of it. When I opened the photo shop, I think that I was looking for something, deep down, something I couldn't even name. Maybe I was seeking closure after Grandma's death, or I was looking for something else. I felt I had found that something, and now I felt free to pursue my other dreams, those of pediatric medicine. The residency has been tough, and at times, nearly downright inhumane. It's easier with Zoisite guiding me through it, rubbing my stiff shoulders when I would come home from another thirty-six hour shift. I know I'm being corny, but I really am thankful to have him. Makoto and Nephrite got married, on a spur-of-the-moment thing. One day, I heard that they had up and taken a plane to Las Vegas, and that was that. As if brought on by the impetuous actions of his friend, Jaedite asked Rei to marry him, and she shocked everyone by saying yes. Even the lovelorn Minako has Kunzite to keep her company on Saturday nights, their date night. "What is it Ami?" asked Zoisite, his hands pausing over my shoulder blades. "What, did I say something just now?" "I heard you sigh. Is something wrong?" "No, everything's right. I guess what I feel is...happy." "That's good to hear," he said, continuing the backrub until I fell asleep. I dreamt of blue skies, calm waters, and Zoisite, holding my hand as we walked alongside the coastline, our footprints vanishing with the tide. In my dream, children came, grew and went, but what remained constant was us, holding hands, continuing on the beach, side by side, for the rest of our lives. ~*~End of Epilogue~*~