~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 35 Millimeters II: Behind the Lens by Lady Aishiteru Chapter 8 - No Logic ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Sorry, I..." stammered Kunzite, "don't know what came over me." He dropped his hands from my shoulders and began to turn around. I gave a small grin. "Hah!" I thought, smiling wryly. I pulled his muscular frame towards my own and wrapped my arms around his neck. "And where do you think you're going, mister?" I asked, my breath tickling his nostrils. "M-minako?" He questioned. I said nothing in reply, but pulled his unresisting face towards mine. I had the pleasure of watching his eyes go wide before I closed my own. "Bet he wasn't expecting that," I thought. I snaked my hands around his middle and began working on the buttons of his shirt. Kunzite got into the act and found my zipper, but then I remembered myself and stepped back. "No," I said. "Huh?" was his only reply. "We can't," I said, breathing heavily. My heart was threatening to leap out of my chest. "Why?" he asked. "Because you're not like other guys," I breathed, gazing at him through lowered lashes. "I can't do this to you." He said nothing in response, but nodded his head politely and redid the top four buttons of his shirt. "What the hell are you thinking, girl! Go for it!" my treacherous hormones screamed as I stared at him. "Let him take you! He's ready, you're ready!" "No," replied my conscience. "This isn't the right time." "Why not?" whined the pulse that throbbed through my body, coursing through my overheated veins. "Because we weren't speaking to him five minutes ago, that's why!" My hormones said nothing in response, but simply stopped speaking to each other. I smacked my forehead and allowed my breathing to return to normal. How could I start something like this? I'm such an idiot. He sat in my bed, and I sat cross-legged across from him. I didn't say anything for a long time, just sat there and attempted to collect my scattered thoughts. This was some scenario for the Goddess of Love. Here, I had a gorgeous man in my bedroom, and I had made it clear that I wasn't going to follow through. I wanted to, though, desperately. It took all of my willpower not to leap across the bed and kiss the sweet breath out of him. So why was I hesitating? I wasn't afraid of any pain I would feel, per se. Kunzite looked like the kind of man who knew how to be gentle. What was I afraid of? I was afraid of what it would do to me, to be so connected to...well, anyone. I had just come to terms with knowing he loved me. I knew I was attracted to him, very attracted, maybe even in love, but I didn't know anything else beyond that. "So, now what?" I asked. "That's up to you," he replied. "I've got to go," I sighed. Looking down, I got up to take a long, cold shower, by myself. When I had toweled off and was thoroughly decent, I walked back into my bedroom to find that I was completely alone. "Geez," I thought to myself. "My life is never easy." Then again, didn't I want it this way? I pondered that question as I dried my hair and put on my pajamas. I pulled the covers over my body, but my eyes instantly snapped open. My body ached for the feel of his arms around it, and I knew sleep would not come easy that night. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I threw on my disguise of the day, which was a flame-colored wig, a black dress, a matching purse, boots that reached my calves and a pair of large, vintage sunglasses. I smiled as I looked at the stranger in the mirror. "Damn," I thought, shaking my head at myself. "I'm starting to like this disguise thing a little TOO much." Maybe it was because it was nice to be someone else for a while, even if that time only lasted an hour or so. Then I would be changed once again into Venus, goddess/supermodel. "Ugh," I thought. "I am NOT looking forward to this." Maybe I should dye my hair, cut it short and buy some colored contact lenses. Maybe I should change my look for real, for good. Maybe it was time to stop being Venus, and to learn what it's like to truly be human. "But what about Mom?" I wondered. "What about her?" I shot back, grimacing at that hateful reason I still have this stupid job. If it wasn't for Mom, I could have been a volleyball player, a teacher, a singer; hell, I could have been anything, maybe even happy. I shook my head and applied the last coat of lipstick, and then I puckered my lips twice for effect. "Meow," Artemis said as I stood at the door. "Silly kitty," I said, kneeling down to pet his cute little head. This was strange...Artemis had never done this before. Usually, he eats his breakfast and goes back to sleep until I return after work. "Why would you want to go outside? Do you want to go to work with me?" Artemis said nothing, of course, and rubbed himself against my boot. "I'll miss you too, cutie," I said, scratching once behind his ears before opening the door. As soon as I did, I was startled to see a platinum blonde head fall back into my doorway. It took all of ten seconds for it to register in my mind that it was Kunzite. At that, something inside of me snapped, and I knew I loved him. I had always loved him, even when I wasn't aware of it yet. "Did he stay here all night?" I pondered. "Why would he do something like that?" Deep down, I knew why Kunzite would rather spend the night outside my door than in his apartment. For some strange reason, he wanted to be near me. I shrugged my shoulders, smiling wryly. There was no accounting for some people's taste in women. I stood there for a moment longer, studying his peaceful features. He was...beautiful. There was simply no other way to describe him, and bear in mind that I work with male models, some of the most handsome, supposedly eligible men in Tokyo. He looked like a little lost child, except for the trace amount of stubble that had formed around his jaw line. During my slight stupor, Artemis seized the opportunity to prance up to Kunzite's face and give it a sound licking. "Arte-MIS!" I moaned. "Mornin', beautiful," murmured Kunzite, slowly opening his eyes. "Did you sleep well?" I smiled. "Yeah. Um...come in," I said, gesturing towards the aging rose petals that traced my hallway. "Thanks," he said, rising to his feet. "Can I get you a cup of coffee or anything?" I asked as I ushered him over to the couch. Artemis made quick work of jumping on Kunzite's lap and getting re-acquainted. "Nah, I'm okay," he said, running his hands through Artemis's silky fur. "Oh, okay," I said, walking back into the room. I threw off my wig and sunglasses - after all, I wasn't hiding from him. "I hate to bring this up," I said, pacing nervously, "but I need to get this out in the open." "Okay," he said, patting a spot on the couch next to him and Artemis. I smiled and sat across from Kunzite. "Are you part of the yakuza or not?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I was afraid you might say that." "Well?" I asked, arching my eyebrows together. "Yes and no," he replied, letting out a shaky laugh through a wobbly smile. "What the heck does that mean?" I demanded. "I haven't done anything illegal, if that's what you're thinking," he said. "O...kay," I said, scratching my head. "So you're part of the yakuza...but you haven't committed any crimes? Something's not making sense here, Kunzite." "As you probably know, the yakuza is a hereditary organization." "Meaning...what, exactly?" I asked, motioning with my hand. "If one family member is involved, they all are. Period." I looked at him and waited for him to elaborate. "I'm not in the Crimson Fist, Minako, but my brother is. I'm trying to get him out." "Out? Of the yakuza? Are you insane?" I asked. "You don't get out of the yakuza!" "Well, I was hoping to do this quietly, sans police. That's why I followed him alone at the casino that night." "That card dealer is your brother?" "Yes," he said, sighing. "He's my younger brother." "I think I know what you mean," I said, and Kunzite nodded his head slowly. "Why don't you call the police?" "He would be killed," Kunzite responded simply. "I can't risk it." I said nothing, and then Kunzite filled the silence. "Minako," he said, gripping my hand, dislodging Artemis from his lap, "You are in terrible danger." "I know," I said, placing my other hand on his reassuringly. "You must leave town. They'll kill you," he said; worry shining through his icy blue eyes. "They can't take anything from me that I wouldn't want to lose, well, except for one thing," I said, lowering my eyelids. "What would that be?" asked Kunzite. "You," I admitted, turning around and sinking myself into his firm, toned chest. It felt good to say that, almost as good as being in his arms that encircled me. "I don't allow just any guy into my apartment," I said, grinning fiendishly and staring into his eyes. "I'm...serious...Minako," he said between kisses. "So am I," I responded, propping my head on my elbows. "I'm not letting those bastards take over my life." "Well, will you at least promise me one thing?" I think the look in my eyes gave me away; I would have agreed to almost anything at that point. I nodded my head anyhow. "Let me be there for you," he said, his breath tickling my nose. I said nothing in response, but it didn't matter. I smiled happily and settled into his warm embrace. I closed my eyes, and began to drift off, when I remembered something. "Um...Kunzite? I have to go to work," I said, frowning. I heard no replies except gentle snoring. He was fast asleep, but even in his slumber, he wouldn't let me go. Truth be told, I didn't want to leave, but I had already missed an important shoot. At the very least, I should try and make up the work if I can. It's true that I hate my job, but I don't want to be unprofessional. I gently loosened Kunzite's grip and slid out from his embrace. I gave him a little kiss on the forehead, sighed and walked away, hating every footstep. It took all of my willpower to walk away from him, and even more not to turn back. I shook my head at myself. He was turning me into a weak woman. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* As I stepped out of the cab, I knew I would have a lot of explaining to do. How would I go about doing so? I groaned inwardly as I walked past the front desk in the lobby. "Miss Aino, where have you been?" I turned around to face the source of the question, and my blood seemed to freeze into icy plasma in my veins. It was Fen Yuy, tabloid reporter. "Come on, Aino, pull yourself together! Since when are you afraid of Fen?" Honestly, I'm usually not afraid of Fen. She stood a mere 5'1", and I would guess she weighed in at 150 pounds, slightly overweight for her medium build. She wears her medium-length, chestnut hair in a low, loose ponytail that reaches about a quarter of the way down her back. She wears a minimum of makeup, but her laid-back attitude belies her no-nonsense appearance. Fen doesn't know how to be a phony, which is very, very rare in any profession, especially hers. When she laughs, she does so with her entire being, closing her hazel eyes and tilting her chin upwards. I guess that's what I like the most about her, but also what I hate. It's too bad I only see her at work, and that her job is to exploit me. I know she likes me as a person, but her first priority is to her job, and as such, I can't be her friend. She would get too close, and I would wind up worrying if she would let leak some juicy secrets that I'd rather keep private. She wouldn't make any up; she would tell the truth. That's what makes her my enemy. I corrected my posture, leaned forward and gave Fen my full attention, so I could ignore her properly later. "Fen," I replied curtly, "I was called away on personal business." "Right, Aino, who's the guy?" she asked, elbowing me conspirationally as we walked towards the elevator. I raised my eyebrows at her as the double doors slid shut. "That's none of your business," I snapped, pushing the button for my floor. She rolled her eyes and laughed, squaring her shoulders to mine. "Hah! Long night, Aino?" "Excuse me?" I asked, crossing my arms. "You know what I mean. So, what's his name?" I pondered giving her a fake name, but that wouldn't be fair to her or me. Enemy or not, Fen is still a person. "His name? I'll let you figure that one out yourself, Fen. You're good at that," I replied, gritting it out of my teeth. "Don't toy with me, Aino. I know that it's Kunzite. I must say, I'm quite jealous," she said, smiling. "He's quite a catch." I groaned inwardly, knowing full well that I had been caught. I thought back to my date, and realized that I wasn't in my disguise; in fact, I could not have been more conspicuous. I wanted to smack my forehead, but I refused to give Fen the satisfaction of seeing me squirm. I turned around, smiled at her and said, "Well, it's been nice talking to you." I waited for the double doors to open, then I added, "but this is where I get off. Have a great day." I smiled, feeling her eyebrows come together in a tight, bushy knit, focusing on my back. At least some things never change. Feeling good about my victory against Fen, I sauntered into my dressing room. I sat down at the dressing table and gasped as I saw a long, thin sheet of paper. Any sense of happiness was shattered. It read, in huge, bold, black letters, "YOU'RE DEAD, MINAKO AINO."