Well this is a short story about Lita. No parts or anything! Yay! Hope you enjoy it! Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride By Princess Makoto PG-13 August 2, 2001 Growing up as a little girl in my parent’s house was always something that made me dream that someday I would have what they had. Love, children, happiness, and the feeling that everything may not be perfect, but it’s so close to being perfect you don’t notice the small stuff. My mother was one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. She had vibrant green eyes, shiny brown hair that fell to her waist, and a laugh that was so rich that it was often difficult not to join in. My father was the warmest man. He would take me into his strong arms and hold me close when I was scared. He used to sing me to sleep at night. The sound of his voice was soothing and it always made me feel safe and loved. He was handsome, thick chestnut hair, and a set of brown eyes that always seemed to smile at you. Thinking of the two of them often makes me sad. Yes, I know it’s been ten years since the accident, but I still feel responsible for their deaths. They dies because I wanted them to come to see my school play. Yes, I know that it was really because of the storm that the plane went down. I know all about the logical explanations as to why they are no longer with me, cheering me up, and telling me that everything will be OK. I miss them a great deal, but that is not why I’m writing this. The point to this entry is simply because I am lonely. My parents were always able to make me feel better. They had this presence about them that wrapped me into a warm blanket. I could use them right about now. You see, another one of my closest and dearest friends is getting married. I, as expected, have been asked to be a bridesmaid once again. Not just a bridesmaid, the Maid of Honor. I know that I should be thrilled about this, but it just makes me lonely you know? I’ve been to three weddings in the past two years. Now only Mina is left with me, and that is soon to end. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for all of them. They are all blissfully happy with their husbands and Mina with her fiancé. I’m just the only one without any one to keep me warm at night. I have no significant other, no prospects and no frigging date for the wedding, which is in two days! I have always found it hard to date after Ken and I broke it off. No one has seemed the least bit interested in me since then. Even he’s happily married. Why is it that I’m 23 and alone? Am I doomed to be a rotten old spinster for the reminder of my years here? I’m a successful reporter for the New York Times, I live in one of the greatest cities in the world, not to mention the largest, and I can’t get a damn date! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pathetic! I guess I’ll be going stag to another school dance. I feel like I’m in high school all over again. Well this is not the prom, or high school so I’m gonna suck it up and go. Yeah I’ll be perfectly fine, just keep the champagne neat so I can down it when the slow songs come up. Right. Plan: Get drunk so you don’t remember the party is now in effect. The phone rang shrilly as Lita finished her journal entry with a sad resolve. She heaved herself to her feet and picked up the receiver, “Hello?” “Lita? Thank God your home!” screamed a very distraught Mina. “Of course I’m home, it’s nearly two in the morning!” Mina sobbed. “I think the weddings off.” “What! Why? What in the hell happened now?” “Greg and I had a fight. He thinks that we should move out of the city right away and I don’t. I can’t possibly marry him now!” she wailed. Lita gave and exasperated sigh, “Mina. Look. You have been calling me all week with these stupid reasons that you shouldn’t get married. There is a thing called compromise, and wedding jitters. You’re getting the classic “cold feet.” You need to calm down and go and talk to him. You love him. Any idiot can see that, and just because you think you can’t possibly agree on something doesn’t mean you should call the whole wedding off!” “You think so?” Mina asked hopefully. “Of course I do.” “Well I suppose I could call him…” she sniffed pathetically. “Yes. Call him and leave me alone! Geez, I can’t sleep with you calling me in hysterics every night. Don’t you think these little squabbles are getting old? I mean, you both are on cloud nine every time you’re together, and you could always look at it this way, at least you have someone to fight with.” Lita ended quietly. There was a silence on the other end of the line, then, “Oh God! You must think I’m terrible! I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about how you were feeling about all of this.” Mina apologized. Lita just sighed, “Look, I’m tired and you should call Greg. I’ll talk to you tomorrow ok?” Mina mumbled another quick apology before hanging up. Lita just placed the phone back on the hook and tried to regain her composure. She willed the tears to stay where they were, and she walked to her refrigerator and grabbed the bottle of white zinfindel and a glass. She poured herself a glass and sipped it. She looked at the bottle, then at the glass and put the glass in the fridge and opted for the bottle instead. Taking a swig, she put on some Miles Davis and drank until she drifted off into oblivion. The banging was getting louder, making the pounding of her head feel worse. Or was something pounding on her head? She lifted her heavy eyelids and squinted at the bright sunlight that was pouring in through the window of her 15th floor apartment. Someone was still banging on the door, pounding was more like it. “Lita!!!” Hey! Where the hell are you? Open your damn door, we’re going to be late!” yelled Mina, her voice muffled by the wood. Lita stumbled from her position on the couch. Apparently that was where she had passed out. She clutched her stomach and fought off the horrible feeling of nausea that was threatening to overcome her. She opened the door, with a little difficulty, her fingers felt numb. Mina stood there, looking pissed. “What the hell! I’ve been banging on this door for ten minutes! What the hell were you doing?” She fumed. Lita grunted and walked towards the kitchen, letting Mina shut the door behind her. Mina trailed her friend with annoyance clearly written across her face. Lita clearly looked like she was hit by a bus. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked ready to lose her breakfast. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Lita looked at her friend and shrugged. She continued to make herself coffee and then she left Mina standing in the kitchen, while she showered and changed into something clean. Then, when she was finished, she grabbed her coffee and downed it in two gulps. Mina just stared at her the whole time. She sat on the couch and accidentally kicked something. She glanced down and saw an empty wine bottle. She looked in the direction of the kitchen and picked up the bottle. “Lita, what the hell is this?” Lita looked at the bottle in question and sighed. “Well I can see why you’re so happy this morning. What’d you do, drink the while bottle last night?” Mina accused. The look on her face said everything she needed to know. Lita sat down and rubbed her eyes. Mina took herself to her friend’s side and put her hand on her shoulder. “Listen. I know I haven’t been the greatest friend lately. I’ve been inconsiderate and selfish about the wedding and I’m so sorry. I know that all of this has been hard for you, and I know you don’t need a constant reminder about everything, but please don’t drink to make yourself feel better! You’re better then that! I don’t want to see you get hurt. Drinking has never solved anyone’s problems. I’m worried about you!” “I know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t really thinking rationally at the time. I’m sorry that I worried you. Hey we have dresses to pick up don’t we? We should get going?” Lita said, making her voice sound as cheerful as possible. “Yeah. Just be careful OK?” Mina pushed.” “Don’t worry, I will. Now let’s go!” The ceremony was beautiful. Lita had done her duty as Maid of Honor and had tried to look as respectable as possible in her green gown. Now she stood in the background while all of her friends danced in circles with their husbands. ‘I really have to get some single friends.’ She thought to herself. She took a glass of champagne from a waiter and sat down by the balcony door. The gentle breeze brushed against her cheek as she watched her friends. They were all so happy, just like her parents had been. She breathed deeply, trying to fight off the silent tears that threatened her resolve. Standing quickly, she took herself outside, trying not to look at the dance floor and the happy couples. The night air was a bit chilly. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her body. This gown was not something made to keep one warm. It was August after all. The stars were out along with the moon, shining it’s silvery light onto the gardens. She reflected back on the evening. Dinner had gone well. She held up her pleasant front and made it through her speech. Now she was able to blend in with the rest of the guests at her own free will. She had no more obligations to fulfill this night. So she decided to go for a walk through the gardens, maybe warm her self up. Roses were in bloom all over the garden. The looked so beautiful in the moonlight. ‘Serena would probably enjoy this.’ she thought. She and Darien had always enjoyed the rose gardens. She found a bench under a trellis with beautiful peach roses intertwined with the wood. She sat down gingerly and breathed in their scent. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Oh, I hope I’m not disturbing you.” An unfamiliar voice said. Lita look up to see a handsome man wearing a tuxedo standing in front of her. “What? Oh no you’re not disturbing me.” She said, gazing at his face, half hidden by shadow. “Aren’t you Mina’s Maid of Honor?” he asked her. “Yes. I’m Lita Kino.” She said, holding out her hand to shake. “Hi, my name’s Nate Larson. I’m a friend of Greg’s actually.” he introduced, taking her hand. “So what are you doing out here?” She blushed. “Actually I’m tired of watching everyone dance. Watching has always been boring. So I’m taking a break. How about you?” “Ah, well me too.” He laughed. “I’ve never much cared for attending weddings without a date.” “Yeah they’re a little depressing for all the single people, aren’t they?” She laughed. He nodded and sat down beside the lovely woman. She was shivering. He took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. “Here you look like you’re cold.” She smiled gratefully at him. “Thank you. It is a little cold out here.” “Why don’t we go back inside. I have a feeling it won’t be so bad now that I have someone to talk to.” He suggested. “OK.” He helped her stand and led her back inside, arms linked. The night passed in a whirl. Lita and Nate had a wonderful time in one another’s company. They danced, they laughed and they even forgot why they had been wandering around outside by themselves. The evening soon came to a close and the newly wed’s left for the airport. Lita and Nate waved with the rest of the guests and finally turned towards each other. “Listen. I’ve had a really great time tonight and I was wondering if you would like to have dinner some time?” asked Nate. “Yes, I would love to have dinner with you. Here’s my number. Give me a call and we’ll figure something out ok?” She said writing her number on a napkin and handing it to him. He smiled and held her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “I’ll call you soon, lovely Lady, until then, I bid you farewell.” he said, bowing, then walking towards his car. Lita blushed and then quickly got into her own car. ‘Wow, he’s so sweet! No one’s ever kissed my hand before.’ she thought. She drove home, thinking about the night, and she fell asleep with Nate on her mind. Dinner was lovely. He took her to an expensive Italian restaurant and they ate, their conversations were never dull and awkward like first dates usually are. He had brought her peach roses when he had picked her up. After dinner, they went dancing. After dancing they walked through the park. On a bridge overlooking a small moonlit pond, her turned toward her and gazed into her emerald eyes. She was caught in the power of his gaze, his brown eyes searched hers for something. The he leaned down slowly and brushed his lips against hers, so softly. He opened his eyes and again looked deeply into hers for something, then he kissed her more deeply. They stood that way for a while. Holding each other, kissing, just being in the other’s embrace, feeling wanted, made them happy. “Lita…I’ve never felt this way about someone so quickly before.” he breathed into her soft curls. “Me neither. Why do I feel that this is so right?” she asked softly. “I’m not sure.” he said, breaking the embrace. “Maybe I should take you home.” The drive back to her apartment was quiet. Both were thinking about the other, not knowing what to think about their feelings or situation. He walked her to her door and kissed her again, making her skin become alive with desire. His warm body made her want more than his kiss. “Do you want to come in?” She asked him. “I don’t know if I should…” he said with doubt. She smiled and unlocked the door. Taking his hand she led him into the apartment and closed the door. Upon the click of the lock, Lita flung herself into Nate’s arms and kissed him with firey passion. Nate held her close to him, almost as if he were afraid to let her go. They stumbled into the bedroom and closed the door… August 2, 2002 It’s funny how when you look back to previous entries in your journal and they seem so far in the past that you don’t even remember feeling that way. I still fell sad that my parents are gone, but now I have someone to help me not to feel alone. In one week I’m getting married! I know that I’ve always said that no one wanted me, that no one could ever care about me. I am happy to say that I was wrong. Daddy always used to tell me to look at the up side of things, that the sun will always come out from behind the dark clouds. Dad has never been wrong til this very day. So now I end this journal. I will start anew, and maybe live life like I always imagined it was supposed to be lived. Happily. Love Always, Lita Lita smiled as she closed the leather bond journal and stretched. Nate was dozing on the couch. Lita walked over to her fiancé and cuddled up with him, working her way into her favored spot in the crook of his arm. He pulled her closer to him, making himself more comfortable. Then he fell back to sleep, and she soon followed. Somewhere Lita’s parents smiled. Well, I hope you liked it. I felt kinda depressed so I wrote this to make myself feel better. Write me emails cause I want to know what you think! Princess Makoto Makoto4sj@aol.com Well this is a short story about Lita. No parts or anything! Yay! Hope you enjoy it! Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride By Princess Makoto PG-13 August 2, 2001 Growing up as a little girl in my parent’s house was always something that made me dream that someday I would have what they had. Love, children, happiness, and the feeling that everything may not be perfect, but it’s so close to being perfect you don’t notice the small stuff. My mother was one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. She had vibrant green eyes, shiny brown hair that fell to her waist, and a laugh that was so rich that it was often difficult not to join in. My father was the warmest man. He would take me into his strong arms and hold me close when I was scared. He used to sing me to sleep at night. The sound of his voice was soothing and it always made me feel safe and loved. He was handsome, thick chestnut hair, and a set of brown eyes that always seemed to smile at you. Thinking of the two of them often makes me sad. Yes, I know it’s been ten years since the accident, but I still feel responsible for their deaths. They dies because I wanted them to come to see my school play. Yes, I know that it was really because of the storm that the plane went down. I know all about the logical explanations as to why they are no longer with me, cheering me up, and telling me that everything will be OK. I miss them a great deal, but that is not why I’m writing this. The point to this entry is simply because I am lonely. My parents were always able to make me feel better. They had this presence about them that wrapped me into a warm blanket. I could use them right about now. You see, another one of my closest and dearest friends is getting married. I, as expected, have been asked to be a bridesmaid once again. Not just a bridesmaid, the Maid of Honor. I know that I should be thrilled about this, but it just makes me lonely you know? I’ve been to three weddings in the past two years. Now only Mina is left with me, and that is soon to end. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for all of them. They are all blissfully happy with their husbands and Mina with her fiancé. I’m just the only one without any one to keep me warm at night. I have no significant other, no prospects and no frigging date for the wedding, which is in two days! I have always found it hard to date after Ken and I broke it off. No one has seemed the least bit interested in me since then. Even he’s happily married. Why is it that I’m 23 and alone? Am I doomed to be a rotten old spinster for the reminder of my years here? I’m a successful reporter for the New York Times, I live in one of the greatest cities in the world, not to mention the largest, and I can’t get a damn date! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pathetic! I guess I’ll be going stag to another school dance. I feel like I’m in high school all over again. Well this is not the prom, or high school so I’m gonna suck it up and go. Yeah I’ll be perfectly fine, just keep the champagne neat so I can down it when the slow songs come up. Right. Plan: Get drunk so you don’t remember the party is now in effect. The phone rang shrilly as Lita finished her journal entry with a sad resolve. She heaved herself to her feet and picked up the receiver, “Hello?” “Lita? Thank God your home!” screamed a very distraught Mina. “Of course I’m home, it’s nearly two in the morning!” Mina sobbed. “I think the weddings off.” “What! Why? What in the hell happened now?” “Greg and I had a fight. He thinks that we should move out of the city right away and I don’t. I can’t possibly marry him now!” she wailed. Lita gave and exasperated sigh, “Mina. Look. You have been calling me all week with these stupid reasons that you shouldn’t get married. There is a thing called compromise, and wedding jitters. You’re getting the classic “cold feet.” You need to calm down and go and talk to him. You love him. Any idiot can see that, and just because you think you can’t possibly agree on something doesn’t mean you should call the whole wedding off!” “You think so?” Mina asked hopefully. “Of course I do.” “Well I suppose I could call him…” she sniffed pathetically. “Yes. Call him and leave me alone! Geez, I can’t sleep with you calling me in hysterics every night. Don’t you think these little squabbles are getting old? I mean, you both are on cloud nine every time you’re together, and you could always look at it this way, at least you have someone to fight with.” Lita ended quietly. There was a silence on the other end of the line, then, “Oh God! You must think I’m terrible! I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about how you were feeling about all of this.” Mina apologized. Lita just sighed, “Look, I’m tired and you should call Greg. I’ll talk to you tomorrow ok?” Mina mumbled another quick apology before hanging up. Lita just placed the phone back on the hook and tried to regain her composure. She willed the tears to stay where they were, and she walked to her refrigerator and grabbed the bottle of white zinfindel and a glass. She poured herself a glass and sipped it. She looked at the bottle, then at the glass and put the glass in the fridge and opted for the bottle instead. Taking a swig, she put on some Miles Davis and drank until she drifted off into oblivion. The banging was getting louder, making the pounding of her head feel worse. Or was something pounding on her head? She lifted her heavy eyelids and squinted at the bright sunlight that was pouring in through the window of her 15th floor apartment. Someone was still banging on the door, pounding was more like it. “Lita!!!” Hey! Where the hell are you? Open your damn door, we’re going to be late!” yelled Mina, her voice muffled by the wood. Lita stumbled from her position on the couch. Apparently that was where she had passed out. She clutched her stomach and fought off the horrible feeling of nausea that was threatening to overcome her. She opened the door, with a little difficulty, her fingers felt numb. Mina stood there, looking pissed. “What the hell! I’ve been banging on this door for ten minutes! What the hell were you doing?” She fumed. Lita grunted and walked towards the kitchen, letting Mina shut the door behind her. Mina trailed her friend with annoyance clearly written across her face. Lita clearly looked like she was hit by a bus. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked ready to lose her breakfast. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Lita looked at her friend and shrugged. She continued to make herself coffee and then she left Mina standing in the kitchen, while she showered and changed into something clean. Then, when she was finished, she grabbed her coffee and downed it in two gulps. Mina just stared at her the whole time. She sat on the couch and accidentally kicked something. She glanced down and saw an empty wine bottle. She looked in the direction of the kitchen and picked up the bottle. “Lita, what the hell is this?” Lita looked at the bottle in question and sighed. “Well I can see why you’re so happy this morning. What’d you do, drink the while bottle last night?” Mina accused. The look on her face said everything she needed to know. Lita sat down and rubbed her eyes. Mina took herself to her friend’s side and put her hand on her shoulder. “Listen. I know I haven’t been the greatest friend lately. I’ve been inconsiderate and selfish about the wedding and I’m so sorry. I know that all of this has been hard for you, and I know you don’t need a constant reminder about everything, but please don’t drink to make yourself feel better! You’re better then that! I don’t want to see you get hurt. Drinking has never solved anyone’s problems. I’m worried about you!” “I know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t really thinking rationally at the time. I’m sorry that I worried you. Hey we have dresses to pick up don’t we? We should get going?” Lita said, making her voice sound as cheerful as possible. “Yeah. Just be careful OK?” Mina pushed.” “Don’t worry, I will. Now let’s go!” The ceremony was beautiful. Lita had done her duty as Maid of Honor and had tried to look as respectable as possible in her green gown. Now she stood in the background while all of her friends danced in circles with their husbands. ‘I really have to get some single friends.’ She thought to herself. She took a glass of champagne from a waiter and sat down by the balcony door. The gentle breeze brushed against her cheek as she watched her friends. They were all so happy, just like her parents had been. She breathed deeply, trying to fight off the silent tears that threatened her resolve. Standing quickly, she took herself outside, trying not to look at the dance floor and the happy couples. The night air was a bit chilly. She shivered and wrapped her arms around her body. This gown was not something made to keep one warm. It was August after all. The stars were out along with the moon, shining it’s silvery light onto the gardens. She reflected back on the evening. Dinner had gone well. She held up her pleasant front and made it through her speech. Now she was able to blend in with the rest of the guests at her own free will. She had no more obligations to fulfill this night. So she decided to go for a walk through the gardens, maybe warm her self up. Roses were in bloom all over the garden. The looked so beautiful in the moonlight. ‘Serena would probably enjoy this.’ she thought. She and Darien had always enjoyed the rose gardens. She found a bench under a trellis with beautiful peach roses intertwined with the wood. She sat down gingerly and breathed in their scent. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Oh, I hope I’m not disturbing you.” An unfamiliar voice said. Lita look up to see a handsome man wearing a tuxedo standing in front of her. “What? Oh no you’re not disturbing me.” She said, gazing at his face, half hidden by shadow. “Aren’t you Mina’s Maid of Honor?” he asked her. “Yes. I’m Lita Kino.” She said, holding out her hand to shake. “Hi, my name’s Nate Larson. I’m a friend of Greg’s actually.” he introduced, taking her hand. “So what are you doing out here?” She blushed. “Actually I’m tired of watching everyone dance. Watching has always been boring. So I’m taking a break. How about you?” “Ah, well me too.” He laughed. “I’ve never much cared for attending weddings without a date.” “Yeah they’re a little depressing for all the single people, aren’t they?” She laughed. He nodded and sat down beside the lovely woman. She was shivering. He took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. “Here you look like you’re cold.” She smiled gratefully at him. “Thank you. It is a little cold out here.” “Why don’t we go back inside. I have a feeling it won’t be so bad now that I have someone to talk to.” He suggested. “OK.” He helped her stand and led her back inside, arms linked. The night passed in a whirl. Lita and Nate had a wonderful time in one another’s company. They danced, they laughed and they even forgot why they had been wandering around outside by themselves. The evening soon came to a close and the newly wed’s left for the airport. Lita and Nate waved with the rest of the guests and finally turned towards each other. “Listen. I’ve had a really great time tonight and I was wondering if you would like to have dinner some time?” asked Nate. “Yes, I would love to have dinner with you. Here’s my number. Give me a call and we’ll figure something out ok?” She said writing her number on a napkin and handing it to him. He smiled and held her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “I’ll call you soon, lovely Lady, until then, I bid you farewell.” he said, bowing, then walking towards his car. Lita blushed and then quickly got into her own car. ‘Wow, he’s so sweet! No one’s ever kissed my hand before.’ she thought. She drove home, thinking about the night, and she fell asleep with Nate on her mind. Dinner was lovely. He took her to an expensive Italian restaurant and they ate, their conversations were never dull and awkward like first dates usually are. He had brought her peach roses when he had picked her up. After dinner, they went dancing. After dancing they walked through the park. On a bridge overlooking a small moonlit pond, her turned toward her and gazed into her emerald eyes. She was caught in the power of his gaze, his brown eyes searched hers for something. The he leaned down slowly and brushed his lips against hers, so softly. He opened his eyes and again looked deeply into hers for something, then he kissed her more deeply. They stood that way for a while. Holding each other, kissing, just being in the other’s embrace, feeling wanted, made them happy. “Lita…I’ve never felt this way about someone so quickly before.” he breathed into her soft curls. “Me neither. Why do I feel that this is so right?” she asked softly. “I’m not sure.” he said, breaking the embrace. “Maybe I should take you home.” The drive back to her apartment was quiet. Both were thinking about the other, not knowing what to think about their feelings or situation. He walked her to her door and kissed her again, making her skin become alive with desire. His warm body made her want more than his kiss. “Do you want to come in?” She asked him. “I don’t know if I should…” he said with doubt. She smiled and unlocked the door. Taking his hand she led him into the apartment and closed the door. Upon the click of the lock, Lita flung herself into Nate’s arms and kissed him with firey passion. Nate held her close to him, almost as if he were afraid to let her go. They stumbled into the bedroom and closed the door… August 2, 2002 It’s funny how when you look back to previous entries in your journal and they seem so far in the past that you don’t even remember feeling that way. I still fell sad that my parents are gone, but now I have someone to help me not to feel alone. In one week I’m getting married! I know that I’ve always said that no one wanted me, that no one could ever care about me. I am happy to say that I was wrong. Daddy always used to tell me to look at the up side of things, that the sun will always come out from behind the dark clouds. Dad has never been wrong til this very day. So now I end this journal. I will start anew, and maybe live life like I always imagined it was supposed to be lived. Happily. Love Always, Lita Lita smiled as she closed the leather bond journal and stretched. Nate was dozing on the couch. Lita walked over to her fiancé and cuddled up with him, working her way into her favored spot in the crook of his arm. He pulled her closer to him, making himself more comfortable. Then he fell back to sleep, and she soon followed. Somewhere Lita’s parents smiled. Well, I hope you liked it. I felt kinda depressed so I wrote this to make myself feel better. Write me emails cause I want to know what you think! Princess Makoto Makoto4sj@aol.com