It really seems like I have a gazillion of these damn read me's don't I? I might just give Ninx-sama a run for her money! Anyways this read me is very important because it announces that I got my lazy butt in gear and finally put my web page back up. That's right, I got motivated and actually spent 24 hours working non-stop on a bigger, better Forest of the Otaku! I decided to keep the name in memory of my old page and to save Lady Mars the trouble of changing it due to all the things she has to do anyways. So the name is the same, but the address has changed! Here is the new address, in case the link on my page at GL gets messed up: Thsi will take you to my site. I hope you will all go and visit and tell me what you think. And, as motivation to you guys I will let you in on a secret. I put up a page for "Twice in a Lifetime" with a teaser that gives away the the overall idea of the story. But SHHH! Don't tell anyone I told you! This is just between you and me okay? And, to further demonstrate my motivational skills at motivating myself, I'll tell you this: I have already started writing "Twice!" That's right! I have one fourth of the chapter done! Hooray for me! So I hope you guys will go and visit my site to help motivate me further! Thanks for your time, patience, and faith in me minna! ~.^ Ai