The Earth had never been a threat to the Silver Alliance. Its lack of technology and constant war amongst itself successfully kept it at bay for many millennia. However, as the leaders of the great planets had feared, the Earth's technology finally reached that of the rest of the Solar System in the year 2104 with their mastery of life energy, which could be used to aid in everything from construction, to healing, fighting, and traveling. With this revelation they quickly forged ahead into a new era of everything; seemingly nothing was without benefit from "life energy renewal," as the pioneering scientists called it. It was at that time the Silver Alliance, the organization of all the other planets, began to feel the slight strain of pressure from Earth. Now that they had their own means of inter-space travel, they wanted to reap the benefits thereof, and thus be let into the Silver Alliance. The Alliance was rightfully apprehensive, but Earth soon became threatening, alluding to conquest of the Moon, a neutral satellite that served as a centrality for the Silver Alliance. The Moon, being the Earth's closest neighbor, was a peaceful place of relatively low inhabitance. Its nonviolent, successful chain of leadership under a succession of Queens had appealed to the Silver Alliance hundreds of years before as a prime place for their affairs to occur. The Queen at the time had graciously accepted the offer, and each planet sent its youngest princess to train as a Planetary Senshi. They would offer protection to the Moon's Royal Family on behalf of the Silver Alliance for allowing the Moon to be its hub. This deal worked very successfully. At an Interplanetary Meeting, leaders fought over what would be done about Earth's threats. An alliance was necessary, the Moon was too precious an asset to risk losing. Finally it was decided that a partial alliance would be made with the Earth, allowing them access to Silver Alliance trading privileges but nothing else. The kind of alliance to be made was the next issue, for the Earth had no real ties to any of the other planets, and the words of the dignitaries would mean nothing to Earth's leaders. Finally, after weeks of negotiation and discussion, a conclusion was reached and an offer made to the King of Earth. The alliance proposed to the Earth, deemed the Golden Alliance, would tie the Earth in directly to the Silver Alliance via the Moon. The conjunction would take place by one of Earth's oldest traditions: marriage between representatives of the two joining parties. The representatives chosen were the Prince of Earth and the Princess of the Moon, along with their personal guard. The Prince's personal guard were the Generals of the North, South, East, and West armies, and Princess's were the Planetary Senshi of the four inner planets. This would create ties not only to the moon, but also to Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, since the Senshi were also Princesses taken from their home planets. The Golden Alliance was approved by both parties, and the wedding was arranged on the Moon. We begin our story there, two weeks before the Golden Alliance's implementation. The Prince and his guard have been given a ball in celebration of their arrival, and also as a way for the betrothed couples to meet one another. It is here that we realize the effect of high-level political decrees, and the way it changes the individuals who are concerned. They are merely pawns in the great game of politics, and we meet them as they realize this. They are forced together by powers greater than they will ever be or have, and here we shall see their struggle to cope, understand, and hopefully, love....