Happy Holidays from Sailor DKC with my 14th story! This is not a holiday story, but the important point I'm making is that everyone should be with someone during these times of joy and these difficult times since Sept.11. The picture which inspired me was from Splinter Tree, and it's a group picture of the couples. It's from the site Generals Love, and my other stories are there, too, including A Sailor Moon Romance, Lalala Land, Lovers That Never Were, and Two Lonely Hearts. When you see this *, I am describing the picture. Also, I borrowed the lyrics in the song, 'We'll Be Together' from the ending of the movie "Grease 2", starring Michelle Pfeiffer. I changed a few words myself in the song for the story. Rated G and entertainment only. Naoko Takeuchi owns Sailor Moon, and I don't. Have fun reading! Dedicated to Splinter Tree. The group picture is so cool! FAMOUS QUOTE: Have a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! Let's hope it's a good one without any fear! MY HOLIDAY WISH: I wish for everyone not to be alone. ALWAYS TOGETHER By Sailor DKC SETTING: Crystal Tokyo, years after the battle with Black Moon "All right now!" yelled the cameraman. "Let's get ready for the group picture. I can see it now on the cover of Crystal Life: 'Royalty Dress and Defend and Still Look Good!' Walking to the royal couple of Crystal Tokyo, the cameraman bent on one knee before them and spoke, "Your majesties, your outfits are exquisite! King Endymion, that black tuxedo looks so captivating on you! Neo-Queen Serenity, your red gown is gorgeous! You both make an attractive couple!" Rising, he turned and headed back to his equipment. "People! People!" he called to his assistants. "Let's recheck the lights and background while I go over the equipment. Royal court, prepare to pose when I tell you!" Sitting on stools, Luna and Artemis looked at the cameraman with oh-brother looks. "Rather pushy, isn't he?" commented Luna. "Well, they say he's the best," Artemis replied. As the professionals prepare for the camera shoot, the royal court, consisting of the uniformed Generals and fashioned dressed Scouts in civilian forms, talked quietly to each other in married identities. "Lita, you seem upset," Neil, a.k.a. General Nephrite, said. "It's nothing," Lita replied, trying to look the other way and smoothing her hands down the front belly of leather brown dress. "Something is wrong. Tell me." He took her hands and squeezed them gently. Looking into his clear blue eyes, Lita took a deep breath and let it out. "We've been married for years now, and you've always treat me so wonderfully like a devoted husband should. But now, I'm scared that in a few months you won't find me so attractive anymore." Crinkling his eyebrows in confusion, Neil asked, "What do you mean?" "I'm pregnant." For a long moment, he stared into the lovely emerald eyes of his wife. Then he let out a sigh and chuckled softly. "Is that what you're worried about? Losing your figure? I love you no matter what." "It's not only that. I'm afraid you'll no longer see me desirable, only a mother figure." Lita blushed, folding her hands and looking at the floor. Neil then cupped her face with his hands and made her look at him. "You're going to be a mom and be a great one at that. As for me, I'll be a dad, but I still need someone to remind me of my husbandly duties. You're that someone, my love. You are a part of my life, along with our new child." Bending his head, Neil kissed her deeply. When they finished, Lita smiled at him, her eyes brimming with tears, and threw herself into his arms. "Oh, Neil!" Amy straightened her sky blue gown and adjusted her necklace. Zander, a.k.a. General Zoisite, came up behind her and embraced her. Crossing his arms around her shoulders and collarbone, he whispered, "You look good enough to eat!" And he gave her ear a loving bite. Giggling like a kid, Amy cooed, "Why, thank you, Zandee!" Rolling his eyes, Zander released her and turned her to face him. "You're doing it again!" Amy's face fell in sadness. "I'm sorry." "Honey, I wish you would stop acting like those models who work for me." "I can't help it. It just automatically happens when you bring your photos home. I feel like if I don't act more flirtatious and wild, you might..." she couldn't finish. "Leave you? For one of them?" Zander placed his hands on her shoulders. "You think I would do that?" "No!" Amy hugged him tightly. "You're not the cheating type. You see, when my dad left my mom, she put up a very brave front. But I could tell she was lonely." "And you don't want to end up alone like her." Zander lifted her chin with his finger. "You won't be, Amy, because you're stuck with me just like I'm stuck with you. You're everything to me." "Oh, Zander!" They kissed lovingly. Jared, a.k.a. General Jadeite, watched Raye adjusting her boots. As she stood up, she fan out her hair to spread it across her shoulders. He admired her outfit which consisted of a red button sweater top and black mid-thigh shorts. "You look great," he observed. "Did Crystal Life supplied the whole wardrobe?" "Yeah, it's really cool." She spun around, giving him a show. "I love modeling. You can get to wear a lot of neat clothes." "I'm happy for you." Looking off to one side, Jared made a worried face. Noticing him, Raye walked over to where he was sitting. "Jared, what's bothering you?" she asked, reaching out and caressing his hair. "Nothing!" He looked up at her. "You're doing what you want. I mean, besides modeling, you're doing talk show appearances and you're travelling so much..." "Then what is it?" she persisted. "I can't help but think if you're better off without me. I feel like I'm an obstacle in your path of glory. Sometimes you make cancellations in order to come home, and I feel like I'm in the way." "Oh, sweetie!" Raye then draped herself across his lap. Jared wrapped his arms around her waist. "Your job to guard the Crystal Palace is very important. When you have time off, I think it's just as important to spend time with you. That's why I make cancellations. I don't care if I rise to fame or not. I want to be with my husband just as you want to be with your wife." Placing her lips on his, she tenderly kissed him. Slowly, he responded with a lot of feeling, then he rubbed his nose against hers. "I do want you by my side, my darling Raye, as I'll always be by yours." Mina looked at her outfit in the mirror. 'It sure is a different change from red ribbon to blue ribbon! But it matches well with my top.' She fanned out her gold orange skirt. 'I like the skirt though. It flows about when I spin around.' She spun around a few times, ending in an abrupt collision with her husband. "Mina, be careful!" Keith, a.k.a. Kunzite, exclaimed, grasping her upper arms to steady her. "In your condition, you have to be alert to any bumps or collisions!" "Keith, I'm fine! I'm only four months pregnant. I won't be showing until the seventh." She patted the cheeks on his face very gently. "Don't be such a worry wart!" "I just don't want anything to happen to you and the baby. If it does, I don't think I can bear it again!" "Again? Keith, this is our first baby together." Sighing, he turned away, his back to her. "Back when the Silver Millennium fell, I felt so helpless and useless when I let you die. Now I'm more worried than ever with a baby on the way. I know you forgave me then, but what if I let you down again?" "Oh, darling!" Mina leaned her forehead against Keith's back and caressed his shoulders with her hands. "You didn't let me down back then. You did your best to save me. I know then and I know now that I can always count on you. And you can count on me, too!" Turning him to face her, she tiptoed to kiss him. Gently, he kissed her back and held her close. Breaking it off, he whispered, "I want us to be alone together, Mina." As he carefully hugged her, she whispered back, "Tonight, Keith. And don't worry. I won't break!" "All right! Everything's ready! Let's all take our positions!" The cameraman clapped his hands, and everyone started to move. "Wait!" Neo-Queen Serenity said. "Rini and Helios aren't here!" "Here they come!" King Endymion said, pointing to the young pre-teens, running in and holding hands. Diana, who ran beside Rini, headed to her parents and leaped up on the stool where her mother is. "We came as fast as we could," the little gray kitten meowed. Helios was wearing his priestly robes and Rini was wearing a pink button top, a short black mini skirt and dark knee-high boots. "Sorry we're late!" Rini apologized. "We were visiting the Amazon Trio fairies in Elysion." Helios explained. AS SONG BEGINS "Come on!" said the cameraman. "Let's get the show on the road!" Everyone started to get in their places. You are the one, the one in my dreams But I never knew it Fate try to split us through time and again But it couldn't do it * Lita and Nephrite held each other's hand while he caressed her cheek. Standing next to them, Amy and Zoisite stood close to each other. Serenity held Endymion's hand while his hand rested on the small of her back. Next to them, Raye posed in a crouched position with Jadeite behind her, his hand on her shoulder. Beside them, Mina and Kunzite stood perfectly still next to each other. Rini and Helios stood next to Serenity, holding hands. * All that you are is all that I need No need to pretend And I can be me and you can be you Our love will never end, oh The cameramen took many pictures. Each flash showed each couple in each scene. We'll be together Always together We'll all stay together Forever and ever We'll be together When the shooting was done, everyone gave each other hugs and kisses, loving every moment they spend together. The cats jumped off the stools to join them. We'll be together Always together We'll all stay together Forever and ever... Scene fades into a new scene shows Crystal Life magazine with the Royal Group picture on its cover. The caption read "LOVE THAT SPANS ALL TIME." We'll...be...together... Always...together... We'll...be...(fading) THE END 12/01