Author's Notes: I'm sorry that I took so long but I couldn't write anything at the moment. I thank all of you who e-mailed me telling me what you think. You know who you are. ^_^ I hope you enjoy the story and please tell me what you think. Keiko Broken Promises Chapter One: New Arrivals A man stood alone in a vast building that held people of all nations roamed around trying to get to their goal. His blue eyes looked around him annoyed for three specific friends. His long brown hair fell over his shoulder in a loose ponytail while his bangs fell freely over his eyes. His friends had gone to get all their baggages and he for some reason waited for them as if he was waiting for someone. Something was tugging his mind when he looked at a couple. Suddenly green eyes filled with betrayal hurt, and love flashed in his mind, before he could wonder why that happened a hand rested on his shoulder. He quickly turned around only to see his friends. "You're late." He spoke quietly. "Sorry Nathan, but the baggage claim had slight problems." A man with short curly blonde hair replied. His crystal blue eyes looked at his friend with amusement and mischievous. "Please." Another blonde rolled his greenish-blue eyes. His long wavy hair was also tied in a loose ponytail. Short strands fell over his eyes shaping his face handsomely. "Stop telling lies Jade. The only reason we were late was because you couldn't hold your hormones together." The other man turned to him angrily. "Zach, just because the ladies love me and not you, it doesn't mean you should be jealous." Zachary grinned. "And what's there to be jealous of?" Jade glared deadly at him. "Fuck off." He said slowly. Zach snickered. "You guys need to quit it." Another man said. He had shoulder length hair that was the color silver. His hair always managed to capture the girls' attention, wondering if it was real or not. He was always amused with the answered they came up with. Nathan rolled his eyes. "That would never happen." He said. "And the whole thing with the girls is nothing new." "Hey! I'm not that bad." "Keep telling your self that and you might actually believe it." Zach mocked. Jade narrowed his eyes and without looking he pointed the middle finger toward his friend. He picked up his bag. "I can't help it if Selene gave me this gorgeous face and charms. Besides it's fun." He spoke. "I swear if Raye had heard you right now she would have toast you." Nathan said. Jade turned away from them. "Add it on to my list if you want. I have a lot to pay for." He spoke solemnly. "Jade I'm sorry. I shouldn't…" "Hey its not your fault lets just get going," He turned around when he noticed something from the corner of his eyes, he turned around and looked at a raven beauty he knew well hugging a blonde as she laughed. "Jade?" Nathan asked worried when his friend stopped talking and the look of surprise and shock appeared on his face when he looked at the direction Jade was looking at. "What are you guys looking at?" Zach spoke as he and Joseph looked in front of them and gasped at what they saw, "lets go now. Before they see us." Joseph said before he turned around and walked away followed by the others. 'Mina.' 'Lita' 'Raye' 'Amy' ~*~ When Amy looked away from her friends with a smile she saw smoothing she never thought she would see again. They had came to pick up Serena and Darien. They had went out of the state for vacation. Her smile quickly vanished into a fear and confusion. "Zoisite?" She whispered not able to believe what she saw. A man that looked the exact same as her lost lover and enemy turned to walk away with three other men. "It can't be." "What can't be Amy?" Mina asked as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and followed her gaze and gasped when she saw a silver hair man. She only knew one person with that kind of hair, "Oh my god, Kunzite." She whispered. "We have trouble." The blue hair woman spoke. "And a big one." Mina agreed and looked at Amy. "It's time for the scouts to appear again." "Not yet Mina. We're not hundred percent sure that's them. Let's just keep it to ourselves until we see their face correctly. Its no point in getting the others nervous." Amy suggested in a weak voice. She knew it was Zoisite she just wanted more time before she confronted him again. Unknown to her Mina was feeling the same way. "Alright Amy." Mina nodded. "Let's go back to the others." "Alright." They turned away to face their friends. ~*~ A fist slammed down on a table hard startling three others in a room. "You can't be serious!" A blonde yelled. One would think it was a male but if you look carefully it was definitely a woman. "What were you thinking?" "It wasn't my decision Amara." A woman with dark green hair said defending herself. "I don't care! You know that they are a threat! To us, the inners and to this world!" "Amara dear." A woman with aqua hair color spoke softly as she hugged a smaller girl with short dark violet hair in front of her. "Come down." "Michelle." Amara spoke between her teeth. "Don't." "I told you it wasn't my decision to make. You have to accept that." Trista spoke as she stood in front of Amara across from the coffee table. "Then tell me who it was." Amara said defeatedly. "It was our queen." All three heads turned to look at her surprised. "You mean the queen of the moon?" Trista smiled mysteriously. "You can say that, Hotaru." "What should we do?" "We do nothing Michelle." Trista spoke with all the amusement gone. "Nothing but watch them carefully, especially the princess. She's now more vulnerable than any of them. Darien will know what to do when he sees them. Do not speak of this to no one, especially the inners. Is that understood?" "Yes." They all answered at the same time. Suddenly Pluto stood where Trista was. "Don't disappoint me Outers." She said as she slowly disappeared until she was gone. Michelle and Hotaru looked at Amara. "What now?" "We watch them." She replied. "Closely." ~*~ "Do you think they saw us?" Nathan asked. They were in a cab and heading towards Nathan's place. "I think Amy and Mina saw us." Zachary spoke. "Aw man." Jade whined. "They probably told the others. Now we have to keep a low profile." He paused. "What were they doing there anyway? What are they doing in Tokyo??" "I don't think they told the others yet?" Joseph whispered as he was looking outside. "Why do you think that way?" Zachary asked. "Because if they say anything to the others, they would come after us immediately and I know that if my love had betrayed me the way we betrayed them I wouldn't want to see that person for a long time." He explained "So you're saying that they didn't say a word?" Jade asked incredulous. "I'm sorry but if I was them I would come after us." "That's you Jade." Zach said. "Why do you think we were brought back?" Nathan asked as he looked outside. He was thinking of Jupiter. He had tried so hard to forget about her and everything but the harder he tried the more visual it appeared. "We must have a reason to be brought back." "I don't know." Zachary answered as he looked at his hand. "I honestly don't know. But if we were brought back then it must be for a good reason." "His right." Joseph spoke. "We just have to keep a low profile for now." "But for how long?" Jade asked not really liking the idea. "For as long as it takes Jade, for as long as it takes." Nathan answered this time. Zach and Jade sighed. 'God.' Author's Note: So what do you think?