Dark as Night Read Me By Birdysj 2001 Ok, I think some of you will not like this story but I'm so pumped about writing it. I want it to be mean, angry and remorseful at the same time. This is not a happily ever after story. It's a Makoto/ Nephrite fic, or Jupiter/ Nephrite if you prefer but I'm not sure how much of an appearance Jupiter will make. You'll understand once you start reading. It takes place after Stars but before Crystal Tokyo. There isn't a lot of action in this story; it's mostly drama and a little romance (if I can do it right). I'm ripping off the Crow big time for this. I want to give everyone their due respect. I love the Crow movies. If you haven't seen them, watch them now. Not so much City of Angels but definitely the first Crow. The story might not make much sense otherwise. I would probably rate this PG-13 due to topics such as drugs, eating disorders, physical fighting and sex. This will not be henti. I will not allow it to go that way. I want romance and not just sex. For the record, I am not condoning drug use. It is a nasty habit that destroys lives. That what I'm trying to show. Drugs are bad. They do not provide the glamorous lifestyle that the movies and magazines show. They suck up money and kill the individuality of the user. If someone is feeling up to the challenge I would love it if they wanted to do the story of another senshi and her general, keeping within the story line I'm providing. I love Jupiter so I want to focus on her. E-mail me first so we can discuss it if you're interested. Comments of all types can be sent to birdysj@bolt.com.