AN~ Well Sm fans here's chapter 3 hope u like it that's all 4 now see you!. e-mail me at~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DisclaimerS~ all original sm chacaters b long 2 Naoko Takeuchi 1994 bandia toei animation all rights reserverd. Note- story stars at season 1 of sm with the 4 scouts except moon having their 2nd attacks from the the 1st part of SMR,all made up characters,powers and transformations r own by moi. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BY~ saturn_2525 Rated~ G Even Under The Influence MeanWhile in the negaverse.............. "Oh great Darkness which is you Chaos I summon the powers of all that is Dark to my command,come forth and obey your master bring this pitiful soul back to the living.......... Chanted Beryl the evil Queen was now in the darkest chamber where lay before her in the ice dome of which Jedite was sealed to, Queen Beryl continued to chant the forbbdion spell of the dark arts. Black & Purple energy of mist and fog surrouned the ice dome in which Jedite was in Beryl continued to chant. "I seek you oh Dark one bring this pitiful soul back to life, may he once again serve the dark forces and once more serve only to his Queen. I CAMMAND YOU, MAY YOU RISE ONCE MORE JEDITE HEAVENLY KING OF THE WESTERN KINGDOM!". Instead of fog & mist this time Black & Purple energy of power now began to crack the ice dome and realised Jedite who has awoken from his eternal sleep. "What happened?......wh......where am I?". said Jedite who looked at his broken ice dome he than turned to face once again his Queen. Beryl smiled at the success of her spell working she then came a bit closer to Jedite and tell of his orders. "Welcome back my first commander I have freed you of your eternal sleep and prehapes in a way forgivenyou, I need your help in another great mission a even greater mission that requires all of my commanders including Prince Darien now listin carefully....." And so Beryl told of her orders to Jedite and what will happen for the sailors. Back at 10th Avenue SailorMoon now rejoined with the other sailors were fighting off Malachite & Prince Dairen. "Stop right there you nega-fiends,you will stop gathering any more energy as of now I'm SailorMoon chapion of Love & Justice on behalf of the moon I'll punish you!". "Back off Sailor scouts this has no concern of you". Said Malachite, "If you wish to fight another battle sailor scouts then let us be". Said Darien. "Darien please stop don't you remeber it's me Princess Serena,please you can stop this". Pleaded SailorMoon. TO BE CONTINUED IN~ CHAPTER 4 -- *Behind every villin there's a soul, Behind every hero there's a choice,Behind every battle there's a destiny!''*